
Curriculum History-Educational Eras-PHolland

  • Academic Scientism 1890-1916

    Academics and Science influenced this time period. Newly developed scientific knowledge helped make decisions about the content of the curriculum.
  • Progressive Functoinalism 1917-1040

    The progresive and childcentered orientation of the followers of Jown Dewey and the functional orientation of curriculum scientiests were the views of this era.
  • Developmental Conformism 1941-1956

    This was a transition period. The developmental theorists came from this time.
  • Scholarly Structuralism 1957-1967

    Sputnik was launched. It was the worlds first artificial satillite. It pushed for the need for strong programs in math and science.
  • Romantic Radicalism 1968-1974

    During this time alternative schools, open classroom and elective programs came about.
  • Privatistic Conservatism 1975-1989

    This was a time when people were tired of violence and wanted tradiitonal values. TImes were beoming more conservative.
  • Technological Constructionism 1990-1999

    During this era state content standards came into being. Prosperity among American was rishing. Charter schools wee introduced during this time period.
  • Modern Conservatism 2000-2009

    The No Child Left Behind Act came into effect during this era Common Core State Standards were also adopted by several states.
  • Technological Functionalism 2010-Present

    There are myths and hoaxes in the educational system such as educaitonal reform, CCSS, and disruptive behavior.