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Curriculum Development

By emoses2
  • Marion Talbot

    Born in 1858 she worked towards equal opportunities for men and women at the university of Chicago. She was the head of the department of Household administration.
  • Land Grant University

    University that are on lands that the government gave for colleges based off the Morrill acts,
  • Justin Smith Morrill/ Morrill Act of 1862

    Justin Smith Morrill/ Morrill Act of 1862
    Established the land grant acts
  • University of Arkansas

    University of Arkansas
    Land Grant University established in 1871
  • Benjamin Andrews

    Known for his work in home economics at Cornell University
  • USDA's Bureau of Animal Industry

    Created to regulate the use of diseased animals for food.
  • Ellen Richards

    Ellen Richards
    Know as the founder of the FACs Profession. One of the things that I think is the coolest thing she has done is the founding of the New England Kitchen in 1890.
  • W.O. Atwater

    W.O. Atwater
    Known for his work in nutrition science and he created calorimeter which turned into him creating a system in 1896 for caloric values
  • Caroline Hunt

    Caroline Hunt
    Appointed first home economic professor at the University of Wisconsin
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Start of the regulation of foods other than meat and poultry now structured as the FDA
  • Smith Lever Act of 1914

    It created the co-op extension service. It extended the outreach programs through the land grant universities.
  • Smith Hughes Act of 1917

    Federal aid is provided to promote precollegiate vocational programs like home economics.
  • AAFCS Symbol

    AAFCS Symbol
    Was adopted by AHEA. Known as the Betty lamp
  • Vocational Education Act of 1963

    Expand the role of vocational education and the programs received more money
  • Vocational Amendment of 1968

    Addressed the nations problems and continued funding for student with disabilities or student who were at risk.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1973

    Prohibits discrimination based on a person disability.
  • Vocational Amendment of 1976

    Created to overcome sex discrimination and bias, and a program evaluation every 5 years
  • University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

    University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
    Land grant university established in 1980
  • Carl Perkins Act

    Established in 1984 to promote Career and technical programs in secondary and post secondary schools.
  • Family and Consumer Science

    Family and Consumer Science
    In 1994 Home Economic became known as Family and Consumer Science