
Current Academic Courses

  • 1st Bell: AP Psychology

    1st Bell: AP Psychology
    AP Psychology is an Advanced Placement class for college credit. It deals with the psychology of every day life such as actions, facial expressions, learning and development, etc.... Literally anything you can think about, even thinking itself, can be defined by psychology
  • 2nd Bell: Business Economics

    2nd Bell: Business Economics
    Business Economcis involves the basic business princples of today's societies.
  • 3rd Bell: AP Language and Composition

    3rd Bell: AP Language and Composition
    AP Language is a calss where we learn about writing papers. We write papers every week, we learn about literature and rhetorical devices, and the other times we learn about the keys to writing. We also read many historic books to gain a sense of culture.
  • 4th Bell: Pre-Calculus

    4th Bell: Pre-Calculus
    Pre-calculus is a class where we learn about the basics of Calculus as to prepare ourselves for next year's Calculus class. We learn about topics dealing with conic section, trigonometry, etc... We normally take notes then do the homework.
  • 5th Bell: AP US History

    5th Bell: AP US History
    In APUSH, we learn about the history of the United States. We start at the first communities of Plymouth and Jamestown and end with Ronald Reagan.
  • 6th Bell: Study Hall

    6th Bell: Study Hall
    In study hall, I study for my classes to get work done before the my night.
  • 7th Bell: CP Physics

    7th Bell: CP Physics
    In physics we learn about the how everything moves and works, how energy is transfered, how every single thing in this world can be explained. Mr. Radloff can literally explain how EVERYTHING works in terms of Physics.