Currency Act of 1764

By Ariah11
  • Background

    Everyone was making different kinds of money and it needed to be stop so they could all have the same kind of currency.
  • Wants

    British merchants did not want American currency they wanted their own British money.
  • Colonial bills

    Colonial bills
    They got rid of the colonial bills and made a new currency "Hard currency"
  • Important people

    British parliament and colonies
  • Importance

    Fought in wars to gain money for their side but ended up having to pay their debts back.
  • Fun facts

    There was so many different kinds of money that you could only use certain money to buy/pay for certain things.
  • All colonies

    All colonies
    The act in 1751 was passed for only the New England Colonies. The act of 1764 was for all colonies.
  • Fun Fact

    The Currency Act of 1764 was an extended to the 1751 version
  • Other Acts around this time

    Other Acts around this time
    The Stamp Act and The Sugar Act was around the same time of The Currency Act.
  • The Act

    The currency act was passed to control all currency. This prohibited the make of any new money and to get rid of all old money.