culture générale Commonwealth

By nan62
  • 1497

    John Cabots

    Italian financed by English merchants discovered what we call today Canada.
  • Period: 1497 to

    The 1st british empire

    several colonies controlled by a mother country with at its head the king of England. the aim is to extend the power and the influence of the country trough colonies.
  • Captain Jonh Smith

    settled colonies in USA but it failed.
  • Captain John Smith

    Founded a permanent colonie in Jamestown.
  • India

    Settlement of trading post by East India company in India.
  • Period: to


    1st successfull colonies in the West Indies.
  • New Amsterdam

    It was renamed New York by the British when they gained its control.
  • Period: to

    gaining the control of india by defeating the french

  • Period: to

    7 years war

    British defeated French in Canada
  • Quebec

    British gained Quebec.
  • James Cook

    Discovered New Zealand.
  • James Cook

    Discovered Australia.
  • Period: to

    American war of independence

    Because of the Boston tea party, 13 colonies declared independence, they were fed up with paying taxes to the english King, George 3rd. End of the 1st empire, they choose George Washington as their 1st president.
  • Period: to

    2nd British empire

    Worldwide empire. Had colonies on all continents. The empire on witch sun never set, it covered 1/4 of the earth total land area, 1/5 person in the world lived in the English Empire.
  • 1st shipment in Australia

    1st shipment of prisoners in Australia, beginning of the colonization of Australia= open sky prison.
  • Rebellion in India

    Until that moment India was led by the east India Company, a rebellion took place and British took control.
  • Canada became dominion

    It became self-governing, own prime minister, decide on their own matters, except on the foreign policy.
  • Period: to

    The scramble for Africa

    The invasion, annexation, division, and colonization of most of Africa by seven Western European powers.
  • Commonwealth of Australia

    6 countries were joined together to create the commonwealth of Australia, a self governing colony in the British Empire.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Gaves Germany colonies to Britain and France.
  • 1st country to leave

    The 1st country to leave the empire is Republic of Ireland and became a dominion and then totally independant
  • Following countries

    Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand became independent.
  • statute of Westminster

    Australia, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, joined the Commonwealth.
  • Independence of India

    Growing independence mouvement in India led by gandy. India became independent.
  • Period: to

    West Indies and African countries became independent

    They joined Commonwealth.