Divine right of kings
The King represented God on Earth. Nobody was able to go against what the king said because that would be going against God. -
The church had a huge influence on ideas and culture. They had the most influence. They were in charge of education, hospitals and health care, the poor and orphans and converting the Amerindians. -
Founding of the Collège des Jésuites
This school was made for elite boys to get a higher education. More people wanted to be educated so this school was made to satisfy demands. -
Founding of Ville-Marie
More and more people adapted to the way of life in New France. They liked it so they wanted to settle. The Canadian culture was developing and people needed somewhere to settle. -
The Grand Séminaire
The Grand Séminaire was a school created to train men to become priests. -
Publication of the Catéchisme du diocèse de Québec
The catechism was publicized by the clergy because the Catholic Church wanted to explain their faith, ideas and practices. -
British Imperialism
In Canada, many people wanted to keep its ties to Great Britain. They were proud to be in the British empire and didn't want to lose that. They didn't want to become independent. -
Creation of the Montréal Gazette
This was created for ides to be diffused faster and more efficiently. At first it was french but then changed to english. -
Rise of liberalism in Lower Canada
This idea came to be with the change in empire. It states that all individuals are equal and have fundamental rights. -
French Canadian Nationalism
Lional Groulx wanted to bring back the old traditional ways such as religious education, big families, agriculture, rural way of life and respect for the hierarchy. -
Period: to
Patriotes Rebellions
The French-Canadiens considered themselves to be a nation at the end of the French regime. They did not want to be dominated by the British and wanted to preserve their culture, so they rebelled. -
Ultramontanism is where the church is more important than the government. They promoted extreme religious practice. -
This ideology refuses the Church's influence on society. The people who support this idea are opposed to religion. -
Rise of capitalism
People wanted to make as much money as possible. The wealthy wanted to get wealthier. -
Canadian and French Canadian nationalism
The French Canadians considered themselves a nation and wanted to preserve their culture. They felt like the British were taking over and jeopardizing their culture. -
This ideology promoted rural life and the traditional agricultural way of life. -
Rise of feminism
After the Second World War, women wanted more rights. Women wanted to be seen as people and have more freedoms. They wanted to be equal to men. -
Rise of the cooperative movement
There were new techniques and tools for agriculture, but they were quite expensive. Farmers could not afford them and the bank wouldn't lend them money. All the farmers put their money together so they could invest in their farm equipment. -
Birth of Fascism
This ideology first appeared after the First World War. They believed in having only one political party with one leader and everyone must obey him. It was based off that some people thought that some nations were superior to others. It was very racist. -
Rise of socialism
Socialism was meant to help those who don’t make that much money. They demanded a fairer distribution in wealth. Socialism eventually lead to communism. -
Growing American influence
People started to get higher salaries so they had extra money to spend on other things like home appliances and automobiles. Hours also decreased so people had more time to do leisure activities. -
Rise of secularism
Many people started to believe in separation of Church and State. They thought that religious affairs should be private. They also believed that the Church shouldn’t have any authority except in spiritual affairs. -
Rise of Québec nationalism
Americanism was influencing Québec which worried the French. They felt as if their culture and language wasn’t being respected. The catholic church had also lost a lot of it’s authority which worried them about preserving their culture. -
This ideology is the belief that the State shouldn’t be as involved in economic matters. -
Aboriginal people are demanding respect for their rights. They want to preserve their culture, maintain their traditional way of life and protect their resources, land and language.