Culture and Currents of Thought

  • Divine right of kings

    Divine right of kings
    Divine right of kings or absolutism is a political ideology according to which the ruler was said to receive his or her power directly from God's representative on earth.
  • Catholicism

    Catholicism is the worship of the church. People belive that the church is always right and whatever they say is true.
  • Founding of the College des Jesuites

    Founding of the College des Jesuites
    The College des Jesuites was a school for elite Catholic boys and was one of the only higher education institutions in Quebec at the time.
  • Founding of Ville-Marie by the societe de Notre-Dame de Monteal pour la conservation des Sauvages de la Nouvelle-France

    Founding of Ville-Marie by the societe de Notre-Dame de Monteal pour la conservation des Sauvages de la Nouvelle-France
    Montreal or Ville-Marie was used for converting the Amerindiens to Catholic because people thought they had no God.
  • Founding of the Grand Seminaire de Quebec

    Founding of the Grand Seminaire de Quebec
    The Séminaire de Québec is an all-boys school to teach priests.
  • Publication of the Catechisme du diocse de Quebec

    Publication of the Catechisme du diocse de Quebec
    This is a book that explained the faith and practices of the Catholic Church.
  • British Imperialism

    British Imperialism
    The English Canadiens want to stay with the British Empire, they are proud to be British.
  • Creation of The Montreal Gazette newspaper

    Creation of The Montreal Gazette newspaper
    The newspaper promted the dissemination of liberal ideas.
  • Rise of Liberalism in Lower Canada

    Rise of Liberalism in Lower Canada
    They wanted all individuals to have equal and fundamental rights.
  • French Canadian nationalism (Patriotes of the Lower Canada)

    French Canadian nationalism (Patriotes of the Lower Canada)
    They want to preserve the Canadian nation and claim the establishment of a democratic system.
  • Founding of the Federation nationale Saint-Jean-Baptiste

    Founding of the Federation nationale Saint-Jean-Baptiste
    They wanted people to adopt the Maple Leaf as the emblem of the French Canadian society and the national anthem as ô Canada.
  • Ultramontanism

    They wanted the Church to stay in control of the education, health care and social work systems.
  • Anticlericalism

    They were against the Church and wanted the Church and state to be separate. They didn't want the Church to have as much influence as they did.
  • Rise of Capitalism

    Rise of Capitalism
    Capitalism is the ideology of making people more money and make them have more influence. People earned very low wages and made very little money while the owner of the company was making all the money.
  • Canadian and French Canadian nationalism

    Canadian and French Canadian nationalism
    They wanted to be more independent from Great Britain, the minorities should have their rights respected and English and French Canadians should be equal.
  • Agriculturalism

    They wanted a more traditional way of life and rural life was promoted.
  • Rise of Feminism

    Rise of Feminism
    Women wanted more rights. They want to be equal to men and have more rights like the right to vote.
  • Rise of cooperative movement

    Rise of cooperative movement
    The new technologies for agriculture were too expensive and farmers have difficulty borrowing money from banks. Too pay for these new technologies, they put money together and shared the equipement.
  • Birth of Fascism

    Birth of Fascism
    Fascism is the ideology of having one political party and one leader and must obey him. Hitler is a good example of Fascism.
  • Rise of socialism

    Rise of socialism
    This criticized capitalism and industrial development. They wanted a fairer distribution of wealth.
  • Growing American influence

    Growing American influence
    People would buy things that they didn't necessarily need but will help their way of life like automobiles and home appliances.
  • Rise of Secularism

    Rise of Secularism
    They wanted Church and State to be seperate and only spiritual matters are within the Church's jursidiction.
  • Rise of Quebec Nationalism

    Rise of Quebec Nationalism
    They want to preserve the Canadian nation and claim the establishment of a democratic system. They wanted to keep the French language and culture.
  • Neoliberalism; Aboriginal claims for self-determination

    Neoliberalism; Aboriginal claims for self-determination
    A "laissez faire" approach to the economy.
  • Aboriginalism

    The aboriginals wanted their rights respected and to have their culture preserved and kept.