
Culture and Currents of events

  • Oct 31, 1501

    Native Spirituality

    Native Spirituality
    The native Americans were very spiritual people.
    They believed in things such as the shaman, (who is a spiritual doctor,) myths and legends and dream catchers.
  • Oct 31, 1502

    Native Social Relationships

    Native Social Relationships
    The natives had a different set of social relationships compared to those we have today with some similarities. They had respect for elders (being similar to today). And the difference being the freedom of actions such as: no private property and no written laws
  • Oct 31, 1503

    Native Communication

    Native Communication
    The natives had an oral tradition and therefore never wrote anything down. They also had various amounts of ceremonies preformed at different ages.
  • The Divine Right Of Kings

    The Divine Right Of Kings
    At the time the king (Louis the 14th) had absolute power over everything. And his colony of New France was suffering by poorly developing its economy or population. It was also under constant Iroquois attack. In order to deal with this, a well trained army of about 1200 men was deployed.
    Then, in order to fix the economic system the king ended the monopoly of certain companies and placed New France under the order of Jean-Baptiste Colbert. they then decided to implement Royal Government in 1663.
  • Religion in NF

    Religion in NF
    In NF the clergy was all over.
    The priests in charge of curing people by the power of god, they had charities, priests working as missionaries, nuns working in hospitals and schools. The money made by the church came from the tax called the tithe. The majority of people were extremely religious.
    The church spread its ideas by controlling education in the colony.
  • Life in NF

    Life in NF
    The people were generally happy but it took lots of work to get where they were. Work consisted of caring for crops, making clothes, tools and preparing for winter. In NF by 1760, the people became very independent from France naming themselves Canadians.
  • British Rule

    British Rule
    Currents of thought are spreading around the colony like liberalism, ultramontanism, anticlericalism and imperialism.
  • Contemporary Period

    Today culture is influenced by imperialism, capitalism, socialism, agriculture, nationalism, secularism, the cooperative movement, fascism, Americanism, neoliberalism and Aboriginalisim.
  • Agriculturalisim

    A current of thought supporting farmers and encouraging farming. Mainly supported by Maurice Duplesis in the 40's
  • imperialisim

    The policy extending power from the mother country over to the colony
  • capitalisim

    A governing form which is consumer based.Most wealth is made by private corporations or state-owned ones. (people spend a lot of money.)
  • socialisim

    a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by a community.
  • Nationalisim

    The support for ones country/nation. for example: Quebecois,Canadians,Natives and Americans.There are multiple nationalisms.
  • Laicism

    The nonclerical and nonsecular control of political power.
    (the result of anticlaricalisim)
  • Fascisim

    A single person (dictator) rules an entire country generally with force.
  • feminisim

    Women start playing an important role in society when the men go off to war in WW1. They start working outside the house and are given the right to vote in 1940 in Quebec. though having jobs, they were generally the worst ones and the worst paying.
  • Liberalisim

    The political concept of freedom of the individual and parliament systems. Also non-interventionist government in regards to development of the colony. Liberal ideas were diffused in newspapers and in architecture.
  • Ultramontanisim

    Policy of the Catholic Church favoring increasing the power and authority of the pope. The Church increases its influence in society in the colony through Ultramontanisim.
  • Anticlaricalisim

    The opposite of Ultramontonisim. Calls for the separation of church and state.
  • Americanisim

    American culture is slowly reaching every corner of the world and taking it over. (We are all becoming like Americans)
  • Neoliberalisim

    Basically liberalism but government is not wanted to be involved at all.
  • Aboriginalism

    Natives claim back some of their rightful land (we should give it all back) and it is described as this ism
  • Government (Today)

    Government (Today)
    The queen and governor general are only symbolic.
    The parliament follows a democratic system.
    The government has 3 levels: federal, provincial and municipal.
    The government has 3 functions: executive, legislative and judicial.