Mao zedong portrait

Cultural Revolution Kennedy, R

  • Cultural Revolution Begins

    Cultural Revolution Begins
    In August 1966, Mao officially started the cultural revolution, this led to the slaughter of many of the elderly as well as the destruction of old ways.
  • Mao sends in Military to deal with Red guard

    Mao sends in Military to deal with Red guard
    The Red Guard, a Mao's paramilitary made up of university and highschool students, quickly split into multiple factions at the start of the cutural revolution. Each faction preached their own idea of Maoism, leading to widespread clashes with heavy casualties. This was one of the early warning signs of the flaws with Mao's revolution.
  • President Liu Shaoqi dies in prison

    President Liu Shaoqi dies in prison
    President Liu Shaoqi died in prison shortly after he was thrown out of office and beaten by members of the Red Guard. This event signified that the old ways of government had been purged in China and communism was the new order.
  • Ninth Party Congress Convene

    At this congress, two important events happened. The first was that Lin Biao became Mao's successor. More importantly, the congress also gave military more power and control in society. The updated communist party also became completely dominated by military officials.
  • Lin Biao Creates Martial Law

    Lin Biao Creates Martial Law
    Lin Biao declares martial law over the Sino-Soviet Border, This agressive power grab threatened Mao, making them rivals. Biao also uses this time to remove high ranking political officials.
  • Lin Biao becomes Mao's Successor

    Lin Biao becomes Mao's Successor
    Lin Biao was chosen to become Mao's successor in 1969. This began a power struggle as Mao was wary of that his successor (who had strong ties with the military) would try to overthrow him.
  • Lin Biao Attemps to Assassinate Mao

    Biao with other members of the military attempted to overthrow Mao and launch a Coup. Their plan was discovered by Mao before they could excecute it an Lin Biao was forced to flee. The name of the attempted assassination was project 571.
  • Lin Biao Dies in Plane Crash

    Lin Biao Dies in Plane Crash
    Shortly after his failed coup, Lin Biao mysteriously died in a plane crash while trying to escape to Russia. His death meant that once again, Mao was an unopposed ruler.
  • Mao Dies

    Mao Dies
    Mao's death solidified the downfall of his government. His death led to a power struggle between his wife and his sucessor, each with their own idea of the future of Chinese politics.
  • Jiang Qing attempts to seize power

    Jiang Qing attempts to seize power
    Mao's wife, Jiang Qi, quickly tried to gain power after her husband died. This was one of the last attempts to continue Mao's ideas but radical leaders in China went on a media campaign and Qi and her associates were quickly arrested, thus ending Mao's era.