Cultural Revolution

  • Religion Is Banned

    The Cultural Revolution condemns every form of religion and bans all expression of faith. Churches and Temples are destroyed; the believers are imprisoned.
  • Da-Zi-Bao About Ji-Li

    pg 49
  • Ji-Li's Father Paints Trunks To Destroy Conceal Their Value

  • Cultural Revolution Begins

    Cultural Revolution Begins
  • Red Scarf Girl Begins

    Red Scarf Girl Begins
  • Red Guards Are Appointed

  • Destroying of Four Olds Begins

  • Period: to

    Destruction of Four Olds (Red Scarf Girl)

    Ji-Li watches the destruction of the four olds. pg 21
  • Red Guards Are Chosen In Ji-Li's Class

    pg 54
  • Period: to

    Red Guards Disbanded

  • Ji-Li's House Is Searched By The Red Guards

    pg 132
  • Du-Hai's Mother Is Convicted

  • Youth Are Sent To The Countryside

  • Ji-Li Is Sent To Work In The Fields

    Around pg 230
    Late December
  • Ji-Li Attempts To Take Care Of Her Family

    Ji-Li tries to take care of her family while her Mom is sick and her Dad is in jail. pg 243
  • Ji-Li's Father Is Put In Prison

    pg 188
  • Mao Zedong Declares The End of The Cultural Revolution

    Mao Zedong declared that the Cultural Revolution had ended, however the active phase of the revolution lasts until the death of Lin Biao. After Lin's death the ideals of the Cultural Revolution were only being followed in parts of China.
  • Lin Biao Becomes Successor Of Mao

  • Death Of Lin Biao

    Lin dies in a plane crash in Mongolia.
  • Mao Zedong Dies

    With Mao's death the Cultural Revolution is brought to an end everywhere.