Cultural revolution

By bs7
  • Start Of the Cultural revolution

  • A Big Poster was put up at Beijing University commanding students to command other students at other universities and Secondary Schools to join the revolution and promise to fight for Mao.

  • Mao supports the Red Guards in a speech to the 11th committee of the eighth CCP Congress.

  • The Cultural Revolution attacks every form of religion and bans all freedom of speech about faithchurches and temples are shut down and destroyed; believers are imprisoned

  • Mao writes a big headline in the newspaper saying" Bomb the headquarters" which was a clear attack on the State President Liu Shaoqi.

  • The party committee ends with a document that has 16 points in it about the revolution putting down some guide-lines.

  • Mao ends up with an estimated amount of 11 million Red Guards from all over the country on eight different times in Tiananmen Square.

  • The Red Guards and workers take power in Shanghai; the revolution reaches the army’s irritation point.

  • Riots emerge in big cities

  • Liu Shaoqi and his wife Wang Guangmei are publicly criticized; Liu is removed from his duties weeks later and power is left in the hands of Lin Biao and Mao's wife, Jiang Qing

  • The eighth Central Committee of the CCP approves the Cultural Revolution

  • Liu is kicked out of the party

  • Liu is kicked out of the party

  • "Down to the Countryside Movement" starts with hundreds of thousands of unwanted people sent to rural areas for re-education.

  • The party approves the removal of Liu, naming him a "renegade, traitor, and scab"

  • Liu dies in Kaifang, Henan but the news of his death is not announced to the country immediatly

  • Mao's assigned successor, Lin, dies in a plane crash in Mongolia

  • Deng Xiaoping is re-established and named vice-premier

  • Cultural Revolution Ends

  • Premier Zhou Enlai dies

  • Hua Guofeng replaces Zhou as premier

  • About 2 million people gather in Tiananmen Square to protest against the Gang of Four

  • About 2 million people gather in Tiananmen Square to protest against the Gang of Four

  • Mao dies

  • Hua orders the arrest of Gang of Four, ending the Cultural Revolution