Start Of the Cultural revolution
A Big Poster was put up at Beijing University commanding students to command other students at other universities and Secondary Schools to join the revolution and promise to fight for Mao.
Mao supports the Red Guards in a speech to the 11th committee of the eighth CCP Congress.
The Cultural Revolution attacks every form of religion and bans all freedom of speech about faithchurches and temples are shut down and destroyed; believers are imprisoned
Mao writes a big headline in the newspaper saying" Bomb the headquarters" which was a clear attack on the State President Liu Shaoqi.
The party committee ends with a document that has 16 points in it about the revolution putting down some guide-lines.
Mao ends up with an estimated amount of 11 million Red Guards from all over the country on eight different times in Tiananmen Square.
The Red Guards and workers take power in Shanghai; the revolution reaches the army’s irritation point.
Riots emerge in big cities
Liu Shaoqi and his wife Wang Guangmei are publicly criticized; Liu is removed from his duties weeks later and power is left in the hands of Lin Biao and Mao's wife, Jiang Qing
The eighth Central Committee of the CCP approves the Cultural Revolution
Liu is kicked out of the party
Liu is kicked out of the party
"Down to the Countryside Movement" starts with hundreds of thousands of unwanted people sent to rural areas for re-education.
The party approves the removal of Liu, naming him a "renegade, traitor, and scab"
Liu dies in Kaifang, Henan but the news of his death is not announced to the country immediatly
Mao's assigned successor, Lin, dies in a plane crash in Mongolia
Deng Xiaoping is re-established and named vice-premier
Cultural Revolution Ends
Premier Zhou Enlai dies
Hua Guofeng replaces Zhou as premier
About 2 million people gather in Tiananmen Square to protest against the Gang of Four
About 2 million people gather in Tiananmen Square to protest against the Gang of Four
Mao dies
Hua orders the arrest of Gang of Four, ending the Cultural Revolution