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cultura minoica

  • 5000 BCE

    Iron Age

    Iron Age
    La Edad del Hierro es el periodo en el cual se descubre y populariza el uso del hierro como material para fabricar armas y herramientas necesarias para el uso cotidiano. En algunas sociedades antiguas, las tecnologías metalúrgicas necesarias para poder trabajar el hierro aparecieron en forma simultánea con otros cambios tecnológicos y culturales .
  • 3000 BCE

    Stone Age

    Stone Age
    The Stone Age or also the Lithic Stage1​2​ is the period of prehistory that spans from when humans began to make stone tools to the discovery and use of metals. Wood, bones and other materials were also used (antlers, baskets, ropes, leather, or others).
  • 2650 BCE

    cultura minoica

    cultura minoica
    The Minoan civilization is the first Copper Age and Bronze Age culture to appear on the island of Crete. Sometimes the terms "Cretan" or "Minoan" are used as synonyms of Minoan.1 It is part of the Aegean civilizations, a term that encompasses a group of pre-Hellenic civilizations that developed in protohistory in the space around the sea Aegean.
  • 1200 BCE

    Edad de Bronce del Egeo

    Edad de Bronce del Egeo
    La Edad del Bronce es el período de la historia en el que se desarrolló la metalurgia de este metal, resultado de la aleación de cobre con estaño.
  • The actually

    The actually
    The actually is a poop woard where your mom or your dad carrysyou do to everything and you dont do anything.
  • The futere

    The futere
    The futere is gonna be all so much tecnologic,its gonna be the tecnologi that advanced for fly when you want with a suit.