History up to IIWW

By Maddags
  • Lipsia, Napoleon defeted

  • I Giolitti's goverment

  • Salandra

  • Benedetto XV asked to stop the war

  • Period: to

    Red Biennio

  • Period: to

    Spreading of Nazism

  • Fascist Party in Rome

  • Communist Chinese Party

  • March to Rome

  • Period: to

    Traditional/Liberal Scheme in IT

  • 1 £ = 90 lire

  • Spanish elections and Alfonso III runaway

  • Germany Failed Austria annection

  • Hitler founded the III Reich

  • Japan declares war on China

  • II War Front in Eu to help relieve Russia

  • Popo run in South after the armistice

  • Fosse Ardeatine