
Cubism, Futurism, Dada

  • First Flight in an Airplane

    The Wright Brothers flew in their plane for the first time.
  • Period: to

    Cubism, Futurism, and Dada

    Cubism was focused on the multiple ways in which one sees and object and sought to represent these in a single painting which was fractured and shattered. These artists used subdued colors focusing on cube shapes. Dada was a reaction against the recent destructive war and sought to embrace the irrational among other different concepts in its work. Futurism embraced modern technology and attempted to show speed, which it had an affinity for, in its work.
  • Futurist Manifesto

    The Futurist Manifesto embraced new, fast, modern life and emphasized war, speed and exhiliration in a new way of life and time period.
  • Still Life with Chair-Caning

    Still Life with Chair-Caning
    PABLO PICASSO, Still Life with Chair-Caning, 1912. Oil and oilcloth on canvas
  • WWI

    World War I broke out and profoundly changed the structure of Europe and of art and artists.
  • Armored Train

    Armored Train
    GINO SEVERINI, Armored Train, 1915. Oil on canvas
  • L. H. O. O. Q.

    L. H. O. O. Q.
    Marcel Duchamp, L.H.O.O.Q., 1919, pencil on reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa.