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Cubism Art Movement

  • Les Demoiselles d'Avignon

    Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
    Pablo Picasso showed Georges Braque what is considered the first Cubist painting. Les Demoiselles d’Avignon is a portrait of five prostitutes it drew heavy influence from African tribal art.
  • Analytical Cubism (1907-1912)

    Analytical Cubism (1907-1912)
    Describes the early phase of cubism. Characterised by a fragmentary appearance of multiple viewpoints and overlapping planes. Liked because of the multiple points of view.
  • Analytical Cubism

    Analytical Cubism
    Describes early phase of cubism. Characterised by a fragmentary appearance of multiple viewpoints and overlapping planes.
  • Organised Movement

    Other artists began joining the movement after 1910. When Polish artist discovered Braque's work.
  • Synthetic Cubism (1912-1922)

    Synthetic Cubism (1912-1922)
    Artists explored the use of non-art materials as abstract signs. An example was the use of newspaper. Characterized by simpler shapes and brighter colors.
  • World War 1

    Georges Braque enlisted in French Army. While other artists were called to duty. It halted cubism as an organised movement.
  • Braque

    After WW1 Braque continued his experimenting. His further work featured elements of Cubism. Though noted for less rigidity in the abstractions of the subjects and using colors that don’t reflect the reality of the still life.
  • Public Works

    Picasso was hesitant to display his work because it was different from his previous works
  • Beyond Cubism

    Beyond Cubism
    Picasso refused to be pinned. So he inserted more realism into his paintings. But over time he will make the three musicians in response to the spanish civil war.