Cubic Functions

  • Period: 400 BCE to 300

    Ancient Greeks lay foundations

    During this time period the Greeks lay foundational pieces to the eventual solution of cubic equations. Hippocrates was one contributer.
  • 300

    Diophantus of Alexandria

    Diophantus solved one specific cubic equation, which arose in his solution to a geometric problem.
  • 628

    Brahmagupta solves the quadratic

    Brahmagupta gives the first explicit solution to a quadratic equation using a formula. This lays the foundation for work on higher order solutions.
  • 1000

    Omar Khayyam

    In the 11th century the Persian mathematician discovered that there were 14 possible types of cubic equations, which he proved geometrically.
  • 1530


    Nicolo of Brescia, better known as Tartaglia, finds an imperfect method to solving cubic equations
  • 1545

    Cardano's Ars Magna

    Girolamo Cardano published a solution to a cubic equation in his work Ars Magna (crediting Tartaglia appropriately with help on this subject). Now known as Cardano's method