
Cuban Missle Crisis

  • The bombs are found

    The bombs are found
    A U2 plane flies across Cuba and finds Soviet Missles.
  • Kennedy Prepares Military Units

    Kennedy Prepares Military Units
    American military units begin moving to bases in the Southeastern U.S. as intelligence photos from another U-2 flight show additional sites.
  • The Hydrogen bomb is tested

    The Hydrogen bomb is tested
    America is testing the Hydrogen bomb over Jonston Island.
  • The discussion of military actions

    The discussion of military actions
    JFK meets up with his secretary of defense and the Joint Chiefs staff to discuss military actions.
  • JFK returns to Washington

    JFK returns to Washington
    Jake returns to inform and discuss the findings of more Soviet Missiles.
  • Blockade on Cuba

    Blockade on Cuba
    JFK decides to blockade Cuba so Soviet launch pads for missiles can't be brought in to assemble.
  • Tension escalates

    Tension escalates
    JFK announces to the US that he is implementing a blockade on Cuba, the Us is in Defcon 3, and on top of that Castro mobilizes Cuba's military.
  • JFK decision

    JFK decision
    JFK finalizes his answer and puts blockade on Cuba. And the OAS supports Kennedy with the quarantine of Cuba.
  • Mission is a go!?!?

    Mission is a go!?!?
    Ships reach quarantine line but get word from Moscow to stay where they are. Kennedy thinks and knows if the Us attacks within ten days then missile will be fire from Cuba. Discussion happens and they know that they are being watched by a soviet submarine.
  • Negotiation with the Soviets

    Negotiation with the Soviets
    US ambassador confronts Soviets at the UN but Soviets refuse to answer. US talks and discusses about quarantine line and responses.
  • Agreement

    Khrushchev says to Kennedy that if US doesn't invade Cuba then Soviets will take the missiles out, Us notices the Soviet missiles in Cuba are being finished quickly and try to persuade the Soviets to take missiles out if they take out missiles in Turkey.
  • More negotiations

    More negotiations
    Two U2 planes are in flight, one accidentally goes over Soviet Union and other is shot down In Cuba. Soviet Union says that in addition to not invading Cuba, that we take our missiles out of Turkey.
  • The crisis is over!!

    The crisis is over!!
    Soviet leader Kruschev announces that he will take the missiles out of Cuba.