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Cuban Missle Crisis

  • U-2 Recon

    U-2 Recon
    The U-2 Reconnaissance Mission. SS-4 Medium Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) sites found in varying stages of readiness.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missle Crisis

  • Discovery

    Discovery of Offensive Missiles in Cuba. Monday morning a team of photo interpreters make the crucial findings.

    The President is Informed. President Kennedy secretly convenes a group of advisers, later known as the Executive Committee or the National Security Council, or "ExComm."
  • More Sites are Found

    More Sites are Found
    More Surprises. Military Preparations. Gromyko lies to Kennedy, assuring him that Soviet assistance was solely for the defense of Cuba. When the president demands that Cuba be completely covered by U-2 photography, four additional MRBM sites and three IRBM sites are found.
  • President ordered HOME

    President ordered HOME
    President Kennedy Returns to Washington. The findings of the previous day prompt the president to cancel his campaign trip to Chicago and head back to Washington. Reporters are told the president is suffering from a cold.
  • Time to Tell the World

    Time to Tell the World
    Address to the Nation. The Cuban missile crisis is made public by President Kennedy in a nationally televised address at 7pm. Low-altitude reconnaissance flights maintain close surveillance of Soviet activity on the island-adds a new dimension to reporting and allows detailed and pinpoint analysis of military activity.
  • Quarentine

    Quarantine: In an unprecedented display of hemispheric solidarity, the Organization of American States (OAS) approves the U.S. quarantine. At 7:03pm, the president signs the quarantine proclamation, "Interdiction of the Delivery of Offensive Weapons to Cuba."
  • Mobilization

    UN and Military Preparedness. The quarantine goes into effect at 10 a.m., EDT.
  • Arguement

    Confrontation at the UN. On Thursday evening, October 25, in response to a challenge by Soviet Ambassador Zorin, Adlai Stevenson, the U.S. ambassador to the UN, presents to the Security Council the hard photographic evidence of Russian deployment of MRBMs and IRBMs in Cuba.
  • Impresment

    The Crisis Deepens. U.S. destroyers stopped, boarded and inspected the Marcula, a dry-cargo ship of neutral registry sailing under Soviet charter to Cuba. At 6 p.m.
  • Head of the Crisis

    Head of the Crisis
    All the MRBM Sites are Operational. At 9 a.m., EDT, Khrushchev publicly proposes a settlement that would include removal of U.S. Jupiter missiles from Turkey. Low-altitude pilots report that they are being fired on by Cuban anti-aircraft weapons. All of the MRBM sites are now considered capable of launching missiles.The climax of the crisis comes after an ultimatum was given to the Soviets that the missiles must be removed. The U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy are prepared to invade Cuba
  • Negotiations

    The Beginning of Negotiations.
  • Invasion is a "No-Go"

    Invasion is a "No-Go"
    The Soviets Capitulate. On Sunday, October 28th, in a message to President Kennedy broadcasts over Radio Moscow at 9 a.m., EDT, Premier Khrushchev agrees to remove "the weapons which you describe as offensive" in return for assurances that the U.S. will not invade Cuba
  • Missles go "Bye-Bye"

    Missles go "Bye-Bye"
    The Missiles Are Removed from Cuba. The MRBMs are hurriedly loaded as deck cargo. Inspections are also made at sea.
  • Resloution

    After further negotiations, Premier Khrushchev agrees to remove IL-28 warplanes stationed in Cuba. President Kennedy lifts the blockade and cancels the heightened alert status of the Strategic Air Command.