
Cuban - Missile Crisis - 1962

  • U-2 Spy Plane Discovers Soviet Nukes in Cuba

    U-2 Spy Plane Discovers Soviet Nukes in Cuba
    The United States sends spy plances to take pictures, confirm nukes from USSR in Cuba. U.S. moves quickly to upon confirmaiton.
  • Period: to

    Cuban - Missile Crisis

  • US Takes Action

    US Takes Action
    The American military starts setting up bases after photos from another U2 surface.
    Pictured in the photos are missiles ranging from 16-32 in numbers at US Turkey Base
  • Defensive Only acording to USSR

    Defensive Only acording to USSR
    USSR Foreign Minister, Andrei Gromyko visits President Kennedy. He says missiles are only defensive. JFK then warns Gromyko of the consequences if the nukes were intended for offensive strategy and given to Cuba.
  • Day of Clam - Strom Coming

    Day of Clam - Strom Coming
    No major events happened this day. JFK is in Ohio and Illinois on a scheduled trip for campaigning purposes. JFK's advisors debate courses of action regarding the situation
  • Back to Washington

    Back to Washington
    JFK returns to Washington, meets with advisors, and plan for a naval deployment.
  • JFK and General Sweeney Meeting

    JFK and General Sweeney Meeting
    JFK meets with General Walter Sweeney. JFK understands that Sweeney could not guarantee the missiles will be destroyed in a first strike attack.
  • JFK addresses Nation at 7pm on Missile Crissis

    JFK addresses Nation at 7pm on Missile Crissis
    JFK speaks on televison at 7:00 p.m. to tell the American public about USSR's nuke missiles in Cuba. JFK announces a naval quarantine around Cuba until USSR removes the missles.
  • Naval Quarantine Starts

    Naval Quarantine Starts
    The naval quarantine begins to develop around Cuba.
    JFK demands Khrushchev cease any fleets of Russian Ships headed toward Cuba.
  • Khrushchev's Reply

    Khrushchev's Reply
    USSR's Khrushchev replies to JFK's statement, saying, "You, Mr. President, are not declaring a
    quarantine, but rather are setting forth an ultimatum and threatening that if we do not give in to your
    demands you will use force. Consider what you are saying! And you want to persuade me to agree to
    this!...You are no longer appealing to reason, but wish to intimidate us."
  • USSR Ships Are Blocked, Return to Europe

    USSR Ships Are Blocked, Return to Europe
    JFK knows that some missiles in Cuba are now operational, so he writes a letter to USSR's Khurshchev to persuade him to stand down. Ships are returned to Europe. Adlai Stevenson confronts USSR's Valerian Zorin with the photos of the Cuban missile pictures.
  • Leaders Get Letters

    Leaders Get Letters
    Castro writes a letter to Khrushchev urging him use nukes on U.S. if the U.S. invaded Cuba. Later, Khruschev write a letter to JFK to come to a compromise. USSR will remove the missiles if the U.S. agrees to lift the quarantine and not invade.
  • Agreement

    Khrushchev's second letter to JFK calls for removal of nuclear
    missiles the U.S. has stationed in Turkey. A U2 spy plane is shot down by USSR over cuba. JFK in a secret meeting with USSR agrees that if they take the missiles out of Cuba, then in return the U.S. would remove the missiles from Turkey and not invade Cuba.
  • 13 Day Crisis Ends - Many Say Khrushchev Blinked, Backed Down

    13 Day Crisis Ends - Many Say Khrushchev Blinked, Backed Down
    The most dangerous period of the Cuban missile crisis, the thirteen days, ends. Radio
    Moscow announces that the USSR has accepted the compromise.