Cuba in the Cold War: By Gracyn Webb SS#3 4/10/14

  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    A new settlement was reached. Khrushchev agreed to stop sending missiles to Cuba and to return the missiles already in Cuba to the Soviet Union. In adition he agreed to dismantle the launching sites. IN return Kennedy promised that the United States would not invade Cuba, and also secretly agreed to remove U.S. nuclear-armed missiles from Turkey.
  • Period: to

    Cuba in the Cold War

  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    Batista had taken over the Cuban government as head of a military coup.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    Administration knew with certainty that Cuba had the missiles and the launching capacity to attack the United States.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    Batista fled Cuba, and Castro's group took control of the nation.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    The CIA -backed force 1,400 Cuban refugees landed at the swampy Bay of Pigs on Cuba's southern coast.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    All political and econimical relations between the United States and Cuba had ended.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    A pool showed that one-fifth of Americans belived that World War II was coming soon.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    President Kennedy issued a formal demand to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev that the missiles be removed from Cuba. THis ended the Cuban Missile Crisis.
  • Cuba in the Cold War

    Cuba in the Cold War
    The Cuban Missile Crisis marked the beginning of what seemed friendlier relations between the UNited States and the Soviet Union. A direct telegraph line was built that allowed leaders from both countries to send messages to each other quickly.