cuba in the cold war

  • Period: to

    cuba in the cold war

  • violent overthrow

    violent overthrow
    a coup d'etat, is a sudden, violent overthrow of the goverment. batista's coup occurred just before scheduled election
  • castro takes a nation

    castro takes a nation
    batista field cuba, castro's group of followers took the natoin
  • kennedy decision

    kennedy decision
    when john kennedy was elected president in 1960, he was presented wuth a deisiion, under the eisenhower administration, the cia had developed a plan to support an invasion of cuba with a group of cuba refugees
  • the bay of pigs

    the bay of pigs
    cia- backed force of 1,400 cuban refugees lnaded in the swampy bay of pigs on cubas southern coast. a cuban force of 20,000 easily took the invaders down. capturing 1,100 man and imprisoned them until we payed a ransom of 53 million dollars in medicne and food
  • kennedy's forma demand

    kennedy's forma demand
    president kennedy issued a formal demand to soviet premier nikita khrushchev that the missles be removed from cuba
  • cuban missile crisis

    cuban missile crisis
    the adminstration knew with ceranity that cuba had the missles and the launching capacity to attack the united states
  • a settlement was reached

    a settlement was reached
    Khrushchev agreed to stop sending missiles to cuba and to return all the missiles back to the soviet union
  • revolution threat

    revolution threat
    a revolution threatend to overthrow the goverment of the dominican republic. the u.s. goverment feared that this revolution would result in a comminism take over