• Castro's first attempted invasion

    Castro's first attempted invasion
    In the summer of 1953 Castro teamed up with Batista’s coup to invade Cuba, it failed. He was caught and put in jail.
  • Castro released

    Castro released
    Castro was relaesed from jail and sent to Mexico.
  • Returned to Cuba

    Returned to Cuba
    Castro returned to Cuba in 1956, and in December of 1956 he attempted to invade, it failed.
  • U.S. stopped selling arms

    U.S. stopped selling arms
    The United States stopped selling arms to Batista.
  • Basita fled

    Basita fled
    The Basita fled Cuba. Castro and his group took control.
  • Training for Castro assult

    Training for Castro assult
    The CIA trained people that disliked Castro for an assult against him.
  • Political and ecoomic relations ended

    Political and ecoomic relations ended
    All political and ecoomic relations ended between the U.S. and Cuba.
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    1,400 Cuban refugees landed at the swampy Bay of Pigs on Cuba’s southern coast. A Cuban force of 20,000 easily overwhelmed the invaders, capturing about 1,100 men and imprisoning them.The U.S. government exchanged a ransom of $53 million in medicine and food for the relaese of the prisioners
  • Cuban Missile Crisis begins

    Cuban Missile Crisis begins
    Soviet Union ships came in to Cuba more often than usual. We suspected it was arms, we were right.
  • Missiles in Cuba

    Missiles in Cuba
    A U-2 airplane took pictures of missile launcing sites.
  • U.S. realizes CUBA WILL ATTACK

    U.S. realizes CUBA WILL ATTACK
    The administration knew with certainty that Cuba had the missiles and the launching capacity to attack the United States.
  • Blockade

    President Roosevelt has announced that the U.S. will have a blockade surronding Cuba.
  • Resolution

    The Soviet Union agreed to stop sending missiles to Cuba and to return the missiles already in Cuba to the Soviet Union. In addition, they agreed to dismantle the launching sites. In return, Kennedy promised that the United States would not invade Cuba and also secretly agreed to remove U.S. nuclear-armed missiles from Turkey. These missiles could have been used to attack the Soviet Union.