CSO Equity Review 2021

  • Period: to

    Read and comment on draft sections

  • drafting group call

  • drafting group call

  • drafting group call

  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • drafting group call

  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • ToR agreed with country case study authors

    With the exceptions of Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Colombia
  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • Country case study 1st deadline (batch 1)

  • Period: to

    Country case study 1st round feedback (batch 1)

    To be consolidated by lead reviewer
  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • drafting group call

  • Sub-group on country case study call

  • 1st round feedback given to case study authors (batch 1)

  • Country case study 2nd deadline (batch 1)

  • Country case study 1st deadline (batch 2)

  • Period: to

    Country case study 2nd round feedback (batch 1)

  • Period: to

    Country case study 1st round feedback (batch 2)

  • 2nd round feedback given to country case study authors (batch 1)

  • 1st round feedback given to country case study authors (batch 2)

  • Country case study final draft (batch 1)

  • Country case study 2nd draft (batch 2)

  • Period: to

    Country case study 2nd round feedback (batch 2)

  • 2nd round feedback given to country case study authors (batch 2)

  • Country case study final draft (batch 2)

  • Drafting group call

  • Period: to

    Drafting report sections

  • draft of report sections circulated

  • Period: to

    Feedback/comment on draft sections

    Provide written feedback to section leads
  • drafting group call

  • Period: to


    Taking on any comments and feedback after the first round and call
  • Second draft of report sections circulated

  • Period: to

    Further feedback/comment on draft sections

  • drafting group call

  • Drafting group call

  • Delivery of clean full drafts of report sections

  • Circulate consolidated full draft to full CSO Review

  • Period: to

    Review and comment from CSO Review group

  • Full CSO Review call

    to resolve any outstanding issues
  • Final draft circulated for sign on

    No further edits, only sign on
  • Drafting group call

  • Period: to

    Consolidation and final edit

    Victor, drawing in drafting group as needed
  • Period: to

    Sign on period (NO CHANGES)


    Possibly later date to coincide with side event during COP