CSI Devoloment

By Womps
  • 300 BCE

    First Fingerprints

    They used clay and put their fingerprints on it to sign bissnuse deals.
  • 750

    The first lie dector test.

    A doctor realized that when someone lies, their heart rate goes up.
  • 1235

    Finding a murder wepon

    In a village, a man was killed with a sickle, and to see who it was, they had everyone lay their sickles out in the sun, and the one that had flies come to it was the murder weapon.
  • 1302

    The first autopsy

    The first autopsy was done on a noble who was killed.
  • 1447

    They use teeth to identify a body.

  • The first microscope

    The invention of the first micro scope.
  • They use body temp to find time of death

  • They start using photographic evidnce

    They start taking pictures of criminals, crime scenes, and evidence.
  • Henry Faulds publishs a paper saying that finger prints can be used to catch crimals

  • A Murder was solved using thumbprint evidence found at the crime scene.

    The first time a fingerprint is used as forensic evidence.
  • U.S Court rules fingerprints can be used as a reliabl means of idetification.

    They can now be used in court from now on.
  • Portable Polygraph

  • The tape lifing method starts being used to pick up evidence

    This method allows for the pick up of evidence such as fingerprints.
  • Human DNA Recontion

  • DNA is used to catch a crimanal

  • DNA is used in the US court for the first time