CSI advancements.

  • 250

    Liar! 250 BC

    In the year 250BC a Greek physician by the name of Erasistratus created the first and most simple lie decetor test to date.
  • Jan 1, 700

    700 B.C.

    As early as the year 700 BC the Chinese started using fingerprints of people on various clkay sculptures, pieces of art, and on documents. This technique is still widely used today.
  • Period: Jan 1, 700 to

    CSI Sciences.

    The CSI sciences have been and still are getting more advanced to this day. The system and procedure of catching criminals today is far more advanced, and perhaps effective then that of which was created as early as 700BC
  • Jan 1, 1248


    A book was created, this book explained how to tell if a person was strangled to death, or if they had drowned to death.
  • Arseny?

    In 1773 a Sweedish chemist discovered how to find traces of arsenic in a persons body.
  • Ballistic tests.

    Somewhere in the mid 1800's Scottish police started to compare bullets, this became the first ballistic tests.
  • Temperature and time of death.

    In the late 1800's scientists began to use body temperature of corpses to determine the time of death.
  • Fingerprints in jail.

    In New York prisons, fingerprints were started being used to identify criminals.
  • Enhanced Polygraph

    The first polygraph machine (Lie detector) was created and made portable. The first being invented by Erasistratus.
  • Criminal Profiling

    In 1960 the FBI (Federal Bureu of Investigation) began using psychological profiling to catch and identify criminals.
  • DNA

    In the 1980's DNA typing was invented, this could match the DNA of criminals to blood or other DNA left at a crime scene.