• 1213

    Battle of Muret

    Battle of Muret
    At the battle of Muret the Crusader Army defeated the Catharist.
  • 1229

    Jaime I conquers Mallorca.

    Jaime I conquers Mallorca.
    The Conquest Mallorca was carried out by Jaime I of Aragon in 1229.
  • 1232

    The begining of the conquest of the Kingdom of Valencia.

    The begining of the conquest of the Kingdom of Valencia.
    The kingdom of Valencia became part of the Crown of Aragon when Jaime I defeated the Moors.
  • 1235

    Jaime I conquers Ibiza.

    Jaime I conquers Ibiza.
    After Jaime I conquered Mallorca, he conquered Ibiza whose campaign ended in 1235.
  • 1244

    Treaty of Almizra.

    Treaty of Almizra.
    The Treaty of Almizra was the third of a series of three treaties between the Crown of Aragon and Crown of Castile meant to determine the limits of their expansion into Andalucia. It determined the borders of the Kingdom of Valencia.
  • 1282

    Pedro El Grande occupies Sicily.

    Pedro El Grande occupies Sicily.
    Sicily was ruled by the house of Aragon until 1409 and then, it became part of the Crown of Aragon.
  • 1323

    Jaime II conquers Corsica and Sardinia.

    Jaime II conquers Corsica and Sardinia.
    Jaime II and his successors conquered the Sardinia In 1420, after the Sardinian-Catalan War, but at first, the pope gave them as a fief the kingdom of Corsica and Sardinia.
  • 1379

    Pedro IV incorporates the Duchies of Athens and Neopatria.

    Pedro IV incorporates the Duchies of Athens and Neopatria.
    His reign was occupied with attempts to strengthen the crown against the Union of Aragon, with their constant revolts and with wars, in Sardinia, Sicily, the Mezzogiorno, Greece, and the Balearics. The wars made him Duke of Athens and Neopatria.
  • 1391

    Anti-Jewish progroms

    Anti-Jewish progroms
    The Inquisition , in 1391 in Sevilla incited violence against the city's Jews.
  • 1412

    Compromise of Caspe.The Tastámara Dynasty.

    Compromise of Caspe.The Tastámara Dynasty.
    The Compromise of Caspe was a covenant in 1412 by representatives of the kingdoms of Aragon, Valencia and the Catalonia to choose a new king before the death. It involved the enthronement of Fernando de Antequera, a member of the Trastámara dynasty.
  • 1442

    Alfonso V conquers Naples.

    Alfonso V conquers Naples.
    Alfonso V was king of Aragon, of Valencia, of Mallorca, of Sicily, of Sardinia and of The County of Barcelona, and between 1442 and 1458 he conquered Naples.
  • 1462

    Civil War in Catalonia.

    Civil War in Catalonia.
    The Catalan Civil War took place in the Principality of Catalonia between Juan II of Aragon, and the supporters of the Catalan institutions.