The Great Peninsular Kingdoms (13th-15th centuries) Crown of Aragón

  • 1213

    Battle of Muret

    Battle of Muret
    At the Battle of Muret on 1213 the Crusader army of Simon IV de Montfort defeated the Catharist, Aragonese and Catalan forces of Peter II of Aragon, at Muret near Toulouse.
  • Period: 1213 to 1276

    James I

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1229

    James I conquers Mallorca

    James I conquers Mallorca
    The Conquest of the island of Majorca on behalf of the Christian kingdoms was carried out by King James I of Aragon between 1229 and 1231. The pact to carry out the invasion, concluded between James I and the ecclesiastical and secular leaders, was ratified in Tarragona.
  • 1232

    James I begins the conquest of the Kingdom of Valencia

    James I begins the conquest of the Kingdom of Valencia
    In 1238, James I conquered Valencia and part of the province of Alicante.
  • 1235

    James I conquers Ibiza

    James I conquers Ibiza
    In 1235, James I conquers Ibiza.
  • 1244

    Treaty of Almizra

    Treaty of Almizra
    Alfonso X of Castile and James I of Aragon sign the treaty of almizra, which meant that Murcia remained part of Castile.
  • Period: 1276 to 1285

    Peter III

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1282

    Peter the Great occupies Sicily

    Peter the Great occupies Sicily
    In 1282, a revolt against Angevin rule, known as the Sicilian Vespers, threw off Charles of Anjou's rule of the island of Sicily.
  • Period: 1285 to 1291

    Alfonso III

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • Period: 1291 to 1327

    James II

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1323

    James II conquers Corsica and Sardinia

    James II conquers Corsica and Sardinia
    James II in 1323, conquers Corsica and ardinia
  • Period: 1327 to 1336

    Alfonso IV

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • Period: 1336 to 1387

    Peter IV

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1379

    Peter IV incorporates the Duchies of Athens and Neopatria into the Crown of Aragón

    Peter IV incorporates the Duchies of Athens and Neopatria into the Crown of Aragón
    Peter IV in 1379, incorporated the Duchies of Athens and Neopatria into the Crown of Aragón.
  • Period: 1387 to 1396

    John I

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1391

    Anti-Jewish pogroms

    Anti-Jewish pogroms
    An anti masacre of Jews.
  • Period: 1396 to 1410

    Martin I

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1412

    Compromise of Caspe Beginning of the Trastámara dynasty in the Crown of Aragón

    Compromise of Caspe Beginning of the Trastámara dynasty in the Crown of Aragón
    The Compromise of Caspe made in 1412 was an act and resolution of parliamentary representatives of the constituent realms of the Crown of Aragon (the Kingdom of Aragon, Kingdom of Valencia, and Principality of Catalonia), meeting in Caspe, to resolve the interregnum following the death of King Martin of Aragon.
  • Period: 1412 to 1416

    Ferdinand I of Trastámara

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • Period: 1416 to 1458

    Alfonso V

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1442

    Alfonso V conquers the Kingdom of Naples

    Alfonso V conquers the Kingdom of Naples
    Alfonso V conquered the Kingdom of Naples and unified Sicily and Naples once again as dependencies of Aragon.
  • Period: 1458 to 1479

    John II

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.
  • 1462

    Civil war in Catalonia

    Civil war in Catalonia
    Two conflicts ended in a civil war between the priviledged clases and King John II.
  • Period: 1479 to 1516

    Ferdinand II

    Monarch of the Crown of Aragón.