
By wc11289
  • Moses's Certificate

    Moses's Certificate
    Moses won a certificate for perfect attendance. He was exited about showing his dad. But he said sopmething mean about people less fortunate than him and his dad told him never to feel superior to people less fortunate than him so he did't show his dad.
  • Period: to

    1898 Wilmington

  • Tommy

    Moses meets a white boy named Tommy. Tommy shows Moses the tunnels wher slaves escaped under Wilmington. Tommy slips and the lantern breaks but Moses find their way out.
  • The bike

    The bike
    Moses borrows his friend Lewis's bike and loses it. He thinks it got stolen so he searches for it. He found a blue bike in a white mans yard and tried to get but the white man yelled at him. Moses waas able to escape to find that the bike wasn't Lewis's and that Lewis already got his bike.
  • The organ

    The organ
    Moses and his dad save up 100 dollars and afford to get his mom an organ. The've been saving for a year and stashing their money in an old ruined dictionary the his mom wouldn't touch.
  • Alex Manly

    Alex Manly
    Moses helps Alex Manly escape Wilmington. Hes black but looks white and he wrote an article about blacks marrying whitesm so the whites are trying to get him. They bring him out on a carrige and drop Alex down into the tunnels under Wilmington that slaves used to escape from.
  • Moses Birthday

    Moses Birthday
    Moses goes on a train for his birthday and the place they get off at has white men rallying about having Wilmington be an all white community and they threaten moses and his dad because they were black.
  • The record

    The record
    the printing press called the record was burnt to the ground by rioting white men. Nobody was injured because Moses got ther in time to warn everyone.
  • Election day

    Election day
    The red shirts have been scaring everyone in Wilmington to death so no black people will show up at the election. That means that the white people will be the only ones to vote and a white mayor will be elected.
  • The riot

    The riot
    The white men are rioting and shooting inocent unarmed black men. They have already burnt down the Record. The black hospital is completly full. Patients are laying out in the yard. Moses finds a 7 year old girl with a cut in her arm and brings her to the hospital.
  • Moses's daddy

    Moses's daddy
    Moses's dad has to leave Wilmington and his family. Moses goes to watch him leave when a white man hits Moses's mom with the end of a gun and she falls down. That wakes Moses's dad up and he runs to help his wife when a white man shoots him in the side of the neck and he falls to the ground.