3800 BCE
3.8 billion years ago
- It is probable that the first life was developed in this year, based on RNA and not DNA.
3500 BCE
3.5 billion years ago
- The oldest fossils of single-celled organisms date from here.
3000 BCE
3 billion years ago
- Viruses are presented.
2400 BCE
2.4 billion years ago
- The Great Oxidation Event.
- Waste produced by photosynthetic cyanobacteria starts to build up in the atmosphere.
2300 BCE
2.3 billion years ago
- Earth freezes over.
- Lack of volcanic activity.
2150 BCE
2.15 billion years ago
- First fossil evidence of cyanobacteria and photosynthesis.
2000 BCE
2 billion years ago
- Eukaryotic cells come into being.
- Later, eukaryotic cells engulfed photosynthetic bacteri.
1500 BCE
1.5 billion years ago
- The eukaryotes divide into three groups:
- The ancestor of modern plants.
- Fungi.
- Animals (split into different lineages).
- The eukaryotes divide into three groups:
900 BCE
900 million years ago
- The first multicellular life develops.
800 BCE
800 million years ago
- Multicellular animals divide into, essentially the sponges, and everything else.
770 BCE
770 million years ago
- The planet freezes again.
730 BCE
730 million years ago
-The comb jellies split from the other multicellular animals. -
565 BCE
565 million years ago
- Some animal are moving under their own power.
530 BCE
530 million years ago
- The first true vertebrate appears.
- It is probably similar to a lamprey, hagfish or lancelet.
530 BCE
530 million years ago
- Cambrian explosion: appearance of many of the major phyla that make up modern animal life.
520 BCE
520 million years ago
- Explosion on animal life on earth.
500 BCE
500 million years ago
- Animals were exploring the land. -The first animals to do so were probably euthycarcinoids
465 BCE
465 million years ago
- Plants begin conolising the land.
444 BCE
444 million years ago
- 85 percent of marine species became extinct.
440 BCE
440 million years ago
- The bony fish split into two major groups: the lobe-finned fish with bones in their fleshy fins, and the ray-finned fish.
417 BCE
417 million years ago
Lungfish, a legendary living fossil, follow the coelacanth by splitting from the other lobe-finned fish, it counts with a sophisticated pair of lungs. -
400 BCE
400 million years ago
- The oldest known insect appeared around this time
397 BCE
397 million years ago
The first four-legged animals, or tetrapods, evolve from intermediate species, probably in shallow freshwater habitats. -
340 BCE
340 million years ago
-The first major split occurs in the tetrapods, with the amphibians branching off from the others. -
Period: 320 BCE to 250 BCE
320 to 250 million years ago
-The pelycosaurs, the first major group of synapsid animals, dominate the land. -
251 BCE
251 million years ago
- 95 percent of marine species, 82 percent of genera, and 51 percent of families of animals became extinct
210 BCE
210 million years ago
Some early dinosaurs are already evolving into birds at this time. -
200 BCE
200 million years ago
The Triassic period ends, a mass extinction strikes, dinosaurs take over from their sauropsid cousins. -
180 BCE
180 million years ago
The first split occurs in the early mammal population. The monotremes, a group of mammals that lay eggs instead of giving birth, break apart from the others. -
65 BCE
65 million years ago - Mass Extinction
- The impact of an asteroid which provoked the extinction of 76 percent of species, 47 percent of genera, and 16 percent of families.
63 BCE
63 million years ago
- The primates split into two groups, known as the haplorrhines (dry-nosed primates) and the strepsirrhines (wet-nosed primates).
55 BCE
55 million years ago
- A sudden rise in greenhouse gases sends temperatures soaring and transforms the planet, wiping out many species in the depths of the sea.
55 BCE
55 million years ago
- First primitive primates evolve.
25 BCE
25 million years ago
- Apes split from the Old World monkeys.
Period: 8 BCE to 6 BCE
8 - 6 million years ago
- First gorillas evolve.
6 million years ago
- Humans diverge from their closest relatives; the chimpanzees and bonobos.
5.8 million years ago
- Orrorin tugenensis, oldest human ancestor thought to have walked on two legs.
4 million years ago
- Australopithecines appear. They walk upright on two legs. First human ancestors to live on the savannah
2.7 million years ago
- Paranthropus, live in woods and grasslands, have massive jaws for chewing on roots and vegetation. Becomes extinct 1.2 million years ago.
2.5 million years ago
- Homo habilis appear.
2 million years ago
- Homo ergaster.
Period: 1 BCE to 1 BCE
1.8 - 1.5 million years ago
- Homo erectus.
600,000 years ago
- Homo Heidelbergensis. Similar brain capacity to modern humans
195,000 years ago
- Homo sapiens appear.
18,000 years ago
- Homo Floresiensis. Stand just over 1 meter tall.
4,000 to 3,500 BC
- The Sumerians of Mesopotamia develop the wold's first civilization.