Crispin at the Edge of the World

  • Period: Jan 1, 1377 to Apr 29, 1377


  • Jan 18, 1377

    Escape Great Wexler

    Bear and Crispin Escape Great Wexler
  • Jan 20, 1377

    Bear gets shot by an arrow

    Bear gets shot by an arrow
    Bear gets shot with an arrow by the Balls Brotherhood
  • Jan 21, 1377

    Bear gets Healed

    Bear gets Healed
    Bear and Crispin find Aude and Troth and they heal bear
  • Jan 30, 1377

    Aude is Killed

    Aude gets killed by an angery mob after failing of the deivery of a baby
  • Feb 10, 1377

    They Travel to Rye

    Crispin, Bear, and Troth travel to Rye escaping The Balls Brotherhood and the angery Mob
  • Feb 20, 1377

    Escape from the Balls Brotherhood by Cog

    Escape from the Balls Brotherhood by Cog
    The Balls Brotherhood trys to find Bear in Rye but the Escape in a Cog (boat)
  • Feb 28, 1377

    Storm Destroys

    Storm Destroys
    A huge storm Kills everyone on board but Troth, Crispin, and Bear
  • Mar 9, 1377

    Land in Flanders

  • Mar 12, 1377

    English Capture Bear

    English Capture Bear
    They landed in a war zone between the English and France and they capture Bear
  • Mar 27, 1377

    Crispin And Troth Rescue Bear

    Crispin and Troth break bear out