

  • Mar 23, 1560

    Spain’s Conflicts

    Spain’s Conflicts
    In 1560 Calvinist and Catholics became militant religions. King Phillip II was the king of militant and the biggest supporter of militant Catholicism. King Phillip II made it a nation again and the society thought that Catholic religion was going to be saved by God. William the Silent led the Dutch into victory of Netherlands and Dutch became powerful.
  • Mar 23, 1578

    French Wars of Religion

    French Wars of Religion
    John Calvin influenced a group of protesters called the Huguenots who were attempted to get executed many of times. Only seven percent of all of France became Huguenots. Although forty to fifty percent of nobility became Huguenots too. Henry of Navarre was a protestant who knew he would never become Catholic. Henry issued Edict of Nantes which made Catholic official religion of France and allowed Huguenots to worship and have same political rights.
  • Spanish Armada

    Spanish Armada
    The Spanish Armada was a Spanish fleet of 130 ships that sailed from Spain under Phillip II with the purpose of escorting an army from Flanders to invade England. England had much smaller faster and better ships. England ended up destroying Spain. Phillip spent too much money on war and ships.
  • Economic Crisis

    Economic Crisis
    The Economy in Europe slowed the whole country down. Spain and Italy also had declining economy. Also Europe's population kept growing so that caused inflation in the nation. War,plague, and money had to contribute to the crisis of Europe.
  • 30 year war

    30 year war
    The 30 War began when Holy Roman Emperor when Bohemia attempted to get rid of the religious and their subjects, causing a rebellion among Protestants. The war involved Europe, with Sweden, France, Spain and Austria who fought in Germany. The war ended with a series of treaties that made up the Peace of Westphalia. The war outcome reformed religious and political central Europe, setting the stage for the old centralized Roman Catholic empire to give way to a community of sovereign states.
  • Art after the Renaissance

    Art after the Renaissance
    This began with Mannerism. Mannerism was an artistic movement post Renaissance. Baroque later replaced mannerism. Baroque
    focused more of Catholic church and Kings and Princes.Barque also tried to pull Renaissance and spiritual feelings of the time together and emphasized their power.Elizabethan made theaters in England like the Globe, they could hold up to 3,000 people that were rich and poor. She wrote plays, acted, owned a company, and had a strong understanding of the human condition.
  • Stuarts and Divine Right

    Stuarts and Divine Right
    When Queen Elizabeth dies she has no one to take over so James I takes over. James I was her cousin and is the King of Scotland. He believed that the only way that he could rule was through God and that became the Divine Rights. The Parliament,however, disagreed and thought they should rule with the monarchy. Purints were protestants. In 1628 parliament signed a treaty saying they could only increase taxes.
  • Civil War

    Civil War
    The Civil war began in 1642. It was with the Cavaliers who supported the king and the Round-heads who supported the Parliament. Parliament won with the leadership of Oliver Cromwell who won the Parliament. Parliament abolished the House of Lords and declared England as a Commonwealth which made it so England was ran by local people. James II took over and Parliament was concerned because he was highly Catholic. He mad Miltary Catholic
  • King Louis XIV

    King Louis XIV
    King Louis XIV, was the leader of France. He was also named tyhe Sun King because he was the light of his people. He had the longest reign in European history 73 years.King Louis XIV brought absolute power in England and was very successful. He established a Royal Court at Versailles and fought most of the other European countries in four wars. When Louis was 4 he was helped with by the chief minister Cardinal Mazarin until he died and Louis took over when he was 23. He was a very good leader
  • Social Contract Theory

    Hobbes lived during the England Civil War. He also wrote the
    wrote The Leviathan that agreed with absolute. power. Hobbes believed before society life was “Solitary, poor, nasty,brutish, and short”. John Lockewas the key to U.S. political beliefs. John wrote Two Treatise of Government in 1689. He also argued against the absolute power of rulers. unlike Hobbes, Locke believe before society was equal and people had freedom. He also believed we all had Natural Rights-life,liberty, and property.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution was the overthrow of King James II of England by a group of English Parliamentarians with the Dutch leader William III who was the Prince of Orange. William invaded England and won with a Dutch fleet and army led to his ascension to the English throne as William III of England jointly with his wife Mary II of England after the Declaration of Right. James ran off to France with his wife. That led to the Bill of Rights 1689.
  • New Austrian Empire

    New Austrian Empire
    The New Austrian Empire lost to the Holy Roman Empire in the 30 year war. Peter the great was known as Ivan IV and Ivan the terrible. He had many ruthless attacks. He was the most prominent leader. Peter set up his Army and made the society have a 25 year draft of peasants. His army formed around 210,000 peasants. He also divided Russia into provinces. He also made Russia have etiquette. Lastly he had a town St.Petersburg