Sep 14, 700
Evidence of fingerprints
Sep 14, 1248
Evidence of strangulation or drowning
Marcello Malpighi- Figerprint characteristics
Physical matching
Polarizing light microscope
Invented by William Nichol -
Amylase activity in human saliva
Leuchs first noted this. -
Toxicology in a jury trial
James Marsh was the first to use toxicology in court. -
Use of photography for identification of criminals
Fingerprints used to identify crominals
Individualize bullets
Alexandre Lascassagne, was the first to indentify bullets to a gun barrel. -
Portable Polygraph
Rh blood groups
Voiceprint identification
Superglue Fumming
Developed the first DNA profiling test
Online firearms database
DNA typing was admitted for first time in U.S. court
Presumptive test for blood bases benzidine