Crime and Punishment Year 10 Elective History

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    Lex Pompeia de parricidiis

    Lex Pompeia de parricidiis
    A person is whipped down to thier flesh and put in a sck with an animal, usually a rooster or a dog. They are ocassionally thrown into the sea becuse the salt would make the raw flesh sting and have exrutiating pain. The equality at this time between people was not very equal as people were still slaves and others were considered to be hight upin the society.
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    Demnatio ad bestias

    Demnatio ad bestias
    A person was put in an arena with a wild lion or another person and was killed or would fight and end up dieinor ocassionally living. This was considered to be used on the criminals and slaves. The equality was still put into groups of slaves (lower class), soldiers (medium class) and Monarchs / Lords (higher class).
  • Feb 17, 600

    Ancient Rome (BC)

    Ancient Rome (BC)
    The person is nailed to a cross made out of wood, by his wrists and ankles, the person would then become tired aqnd not able to hold themselves up and die from lack of air. If the person did not bercome tired the roman soldiers would break their legs to stop them from gaining air. This punishment was used on slaves, pirates, and state enemies because they were considered as the lower class crimes. At the time the equality between the people were lower class, medium class and higher class.
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  • Beheading

    A person's head was decapitated from their body using a gilotene or a sword infront of a crowd, it was seen to be humiliating and was the standard method of execution. The method was mainly used on theifs, slaves and ocassionally a higher up person for commiting a crime. The equality between people back then was still the 3 classes, 'low', 'medium' and 'high'. Each of these classes had their own different ways of punishment, the slave's class was usually the most brutal.