credit history

  • Finishing bachelor degree

    one year from now
  • Apply for a credit card

    use it responsibly, make payments on time to build credit07
  • Set a budget and credit report

  • Complete bachelors, degree in Business Administration

  • Have steady income to support my family

    five years from now
  • Employed by real estate agency

  • Planning a move to South Carolina

  • On the path of owning an agency

    ten years from now
  • Buy a new home

    Paying mortgage on time
  • Get loan for commercial property to open my agency

    After ten years of credit cards with on time payments and no hardships my credit score should be average or above.
  • Continue payments on commercial and home properties

    doing this on time and following the credit cards rules and regulations.
  • Continue Real Estate in South Carolina

    twenty years from now
  • Buy a new car

    Able to put a good downpayment and average credit score from following credit reports and rules.
  • Set up 529 accounts for children

    twenty years from now a smart move for the future
  • Continue planning for retirement

    twenty years from now I will be 42