
Creation of U.S Government

  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of independence basically says that all men are created eqaul, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    After leaving Boston, British General Howe planned to use New York as a base. The British captured Staten Island and began a military build-up on Long Island in preparation for an advance on Brooklyn. Washington succeeded in saving his army by secretly retreating onto Manhattan Island
  • G. Washington Crossing The River

    G. Washington Crossing The River
    George crossed the Delaware River in a treacherous storm, General George Washington's army defeated a garrison of Hessian mercenaries at Trenton.
  • America Has a Flag

    America Has a Flag
    On June 14, Congress declared that the flag of the United States would consist of thirteen alternating red and white stripes that represents the 13 colnonies , and a blue field with thirteen white stars.
  • Second Draft Articals of Confedration

    Second Draft Articals of Confedration
    The document seen here is the engrossed and corrected version that was adopted on November 15. After considerable debate and revision, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation.
  • Spain Join the War

    Spain Join the War
    Spain asked Britain for Gibraltar as a reward for joining the war with the British side. When Britain refused, Spain joined with France in its war against Britain, although refusing to recognize American independence.
  • All 13 Colonies ratifyed the Congress of Confedration.

    All 13 Colonies ratifyed the Congress of Confedration.
    Ratification by all 13 states was necessary to set the Confederation into motion. Because of disputes over representation, voting, and the western lands claimed by some states, ratification was delayed. The finally March 1, 1781 Maryland finally ratifed Congress of the Confederation came into play.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    French and American forces joined at Yorktown, on land and at sea, and attacked British fortifications. Key British points were soon held by the Americans and French, and British General Cornwallis soon surrendered, giving up almost 8,000 men. With this defeat, Britain lost hope of defating the war in America.
  • The Western Territories

    The Western Territories
    . Thomas Jefferson headed a committee that proposed a plan for dividing the western territories, providing a temporary government for the West, and devising a method for new western states to enter the Union on an equal basis with the original states.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention
    A meeting was assembled in Philedephia to revise the Articals of confederation
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    President Washington sent copies of the 12 amendments adopted by Congress to the states. Three-fourths of the states had ratified 10 of these, now known as the “Bill of Rights.”
  • Congress Steps Aside for New Government

    Congress Steps Aside for New Government
    Congress announced that the Constitution had been adopted. By September, a committee had prepared for the change in government, naming New York City as the temporary official capital, and setting dates for elections and for the meeting of the first Congress under the new Constitution. Congress completed its business on October 10.