Jan 1, 1000
The heavens and earth were created
When He made the heavens and earth, there was no plants or animals. -
Jan 2, 1000
God watered the ground
A mist often rose from the earth and that watered all the ground. -
Jan 3, 1000
Man was made out of dust
God took dust from the ground and formed a man from it. He breathed into his nose and he became a living person. He named him Adam. -
Jan 4, 1000
He created the Garden of Eden
God planted a garden in the east, in a place called Eden. He placed that man that He made in the garden. -
Jan 5, 1000
God created bushes and trees
God created beautiful trees that where good for food all around the garden. In the middle of the garden He put the tree of knowledge of good and evil. -
Jan 6, 1000
The river was divided into four
The river divided into four rivers that were named Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. -
Jan 7, 1000
God told Adam about the tree that gives knowledge of good and evil
God commanded him to not eat of the tree that gives knowledge of good and evil. God said he may eat of any other tree, but not the tree of knowledge. Also that if he eats from it, he will die! -
Jan 8, 1000
God made the animals
God said that it was not good for Adam to be alone, so from the ground he made every wild animal and every bird in the sky. He gave them to Adam to name. -
Jan 9, 1000
God made a woman
Adam did not find a suitable helper amongst the animals, so God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While he was asleep He took one of the ribs from Adams body and used it to make a woman. He called her Eve. -
Jan 10, 1000
Adam and Eve disobeyed God
The snake asked Eve if they really couldn’t eat from the tree of knowledge. She said yes because God said they would die if they did. The snake told her that he was lying and that they would gain knowledge and would be as smart as God if they ate it. So she ate it then gave the fruit to her husband to eat. -
Jan 11, 1000
Adam and Eve got banished
After they ate the fruit their eyes widened. They realised they were naked, so they wove some fig leaves together to cover themselves. When they heard God they ran and hid. God asked why they hid, and Adam said because he was afraid because he was naked. God asked if they ate the fruit from the tree, and he said Eve gave it to him. Eve said that the snake tricked her. God banished them from the garden for disobeying him.