creation of our Government

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    The House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses was the elected representative element of the Virginia General Assembly, the legislative body of the Colony of Virginia.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The "Mayflower Compact" was signed on 11 November 1620 on board the Mayflower shortly after she came to anchor off Province town Harbor
  • Common Sense

    Published in January 10, 1776 Common Sense challenged the authority of the British government and the royal monarchy.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important documents in the history of the United States. It was an official act taken by all 13 American colonies in declaring independence from British rule.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation came into force on March 1, 1781, after being ratified by all 13 states.
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    The Constitutional Convention

    The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The point of the event was decide how America was going to be governed.
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    Three Fifths Compromise

    The Three Fifths Compromise, aka the 3/5 compromise, resolved the controversial issue of Apportionment that was raised at the Constitutional Convention.
  • The Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan was a set of fifteen proposals that the governor of Virginia Edmund Randolph presented to the delegates of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia,
  • The New Jersey Plan

    The Plan called for each state to have one vote in Congress instead of the number of votes being based on population
  • Constitution

    The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens.
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    Federalist Paper

    The Federalist Papers were a series of eighty-five essays urging the citizens of New York to ratify the new United States Constitution.