Magna Carta
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Magna_Carta_Libertatum.jpg Royal charter that specified that the king had to abide by the laws and affected him as much as it affected the people. It established that absolutely no one is above the law, influencing future documents that suppress the monarchy's absolute power. It was signed by King John. -
Creation of the Parliament
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Parliament_of_Henry_VIII_1523.jpg A bicameral branch of English Parliament that was "created" by a king to support him, but later changed over time to check the king's power. The first Parliament was introduced in 1215 while creating the Magna Carta, but the first official term was created in 1236. -
Petition of Right
Document created/passed by Parliament that showed the complaint's of the monarch's unlawful taxation and imprisonments without trial. Specified rights and established protection of the people-- signed by Charles I. -
English Civil War
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Battle_of_Naseby.jpg The war (1642-1649) that overthrew King Charles I and created a republican form of government for a while. King Charles II brought back a monarchy, but as the power of the monarchs already had decreased, the king's power was limited and he always had to cooperate with the government. -
Glorious Revolution
[By Rijksmuseum - http://hdl.handle.net/10934/RM0001.COLLECT.467801, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=85989794] War that involved the overthrow of King James II-- also includes William of Orange becoming king-- mostly because of his wife's connection with James II. Fully converted the absolute monarchy to constitutional monarchy. -
Bill of Rights
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fairburn%27s_Edition_of_Magna_Charta_(1799%3F,Answer_to_the_Petition_of_Right).jpgAn act passed by Parliament that stated specific basic rights and who will be next in line in the monarchy. Stemmed from the Glorious Revolution, it fights the absolute power of the monarch and establishes that the monarchy has to uphold these rights. -
Act of Union
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Henry_VIII_presiding_at_the_Act_of_Union,_1540._Wellcome_M0012859.jpg A big act created by Parliament that let Scotland and Wales into the new United Kingdom of Great Britain. Again established the power of the Parliament, showing the limitation of the monarch in the constitutional monarchy.