Creation of Israel

  • The First Aliyah

    During the First Aliyah, approximately 25,000-35,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine. These Jews came from Yemen and Eastern Europe. Aliyah is a term defined as a wave of Zionist immigration.
  • First Zionist Congress

    First Zionist Congress
    The First Zionist Congress was known for the formulation of the Zionist platform, the Zionist Organization, and the adopting of Hatikvah's anthem. This time also marked the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Theodor Herzl was the founder of the political form of Zionism.
  • Britain Seized Palestine From the Ottomans

    Britain seized Palestine from the Ottomans. The Balfour Declaration announced support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine.
  • San Remo Allied Powers Conference

    San Remo Allied Powers Conference
    The San Remo Allied Powers conference gave Palestine to Britain. The resolution of the San Remo Conference was celebrated all throughout the Jewish World.
  • Creation of Jordan

    The country of Jordan was developed on the East Bank of the Jordan River. Jordan has a lack of natural resources and a large amount of refugees which has cause the economy to weaken.
  • Hitler

    Now, Hitler has come to power. Hitler was a powerful speaker which lured many people looking for a change. The Nazis gave young people, the unemployed, and those of the lower middle class an appealing factor. In January 1933, Hitler was agreed to be chancellor of the German government.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    Under Nazi leadership, the "Final Solution" was formed. This plan was to obliterate the Jews in Europe. The destruction of the Jews was an increasingly discriminatory state in our history.
  • United Nations Partition Plan

    United Nations Partition Plan
    The United Sates decided that Palestine was to be partitioned between Arabs and Jews. This would allow for the construction of the Jewish state, Israel.
  • The War of Independence

    The Arab-Israeli War is traditionally referred to as the War of Independence. It was seen as a defensive war to prevent the destruction of the Jewish state from the Arab's outstanding aggression.
  • Israel was Created

    Israel was Created
    Israel was created on May 14, 1948. It was proclaimed by the head of the Jewish Agency David Ben-Gurion. On the same day, the Unites States President, Harry S. Truman announced the new nation.
  • Resources

    BBC, Israel Profile- Timeline
    Wikipedia, Balfour Declaration
    American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, Pre-State Israel: The San Remo Conference, History Crash Course Timeline: From Abraham to the State of Israel
  • Resources 2

    Wikipedia First Zionist Congress
    WIkipedia, Jordan
    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, Hitler Comes to Power
  • Resources 3

    The New York Times, The Learning Network, UN Partitions Palestine Allowing for Creation of Israel.
    Office of the Historian, Creation of Israel, 1948
    Wikipedia, First Aliyah
    Encyclopedia Britannica, Theodor Herzl