Creation of Gov

By jos777
  • The Wage Gap

    There came a point in our history where the wealth of our nation and it's people was divided between one percent of the population with one half of the wealth and the other ninety-nine percent of the people sharing the other half of the wealth.
  • The Uprising

    Our people decided that they had had enough of the imbalance and corruption surrounding their lives. They grew restless.
  • The Beginning of The End

    Our people decided to, rather than violently overthrow the government, they peacefully demanded a redistribution of the wealth among all and to wipe the slate clean. They also demanded to reform the government controlling them.
  • The New Beginning

    In fear of an economic crisis, rather than their lives, the one percent redistributed their wealth, and thus gave up their power over the citizens. The government quickly reformed and became truly and exclusively by and for the people.
  • Reformation

    Only 3 days after coming to an agreement an official document was written to establish the new laws of the land. This document is known as The Papers