creation of car

  • Karl benz is born

    Born on November 25 in Germany.
  • Founded Benz & Cie

    Karl Benz and his business partner, August Ritter, establish Benz Cie.
  • Invented the First Automobile

    considered the world’s first car with an internal combustion engine.
  • Patent for the Automobile

    On January 29, Karl Benz patents his automobile as Patent No. 37435.
  • Bertha Benz’s Journey

    Karl’s wife, Bertha Benz, drives 106 km from Mannheim to Pforzheim.
  • First Four-Wheeled Car

    one of the world’s first mass-produced cars.
  • Mercedes-Benz is Made

    Karl Benz’s company merges with Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft.
  • Karl Benz Passes Away

    Dies on April 4.