The Great Migration
Between 1840s to 1860s lots of Scottich, English, Irish, and Welsh people moved to Canada because of a food shortage in their counrty. -
The Famine Irish
The Irish moved to Canada because the farmers could no longer grow poatos in their crops, which was the counrty's main foodd. So, the Irish immigrated to Canada because they were straving to death. Literally. -
The Underground Railroad
Many Africa-American slaves escaped to the promise land (Canada), because they didnt want to be slaves anymore. They escaped to Detroit, Chicago, Dresden, Niagara Falls, Collingwood, and Montreal. -
The People
In 1850 the women would clean the house, cook, and sew. Women mostly stayed inside. The men would do farming, do the garden/crops, and get wood for the fire. The children didnt not go to school or rarely went because they were helping their families. -
The Railway
The politicians were talking about how they need to build a railway acrosse Canada to connect all of Canada together. -
Geogre Brown
Gerogre Brown was elected Legislative Assembly. Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada is the lower house of the Legislature. -
Start Building
Canada started building the St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railway.
They also started builing Grand TrunkRailroad. -
The Railway
The railway was finished somewhat. It connected Montrea and Canada East to Portland, and Maine. -
The Reciprocity Treaty
The USA and Canada made the Reciprocity Treaty so the can trade raw materials without having to to pay taxes. -
Grand Trunk Almost Finished.
Canada finished Montreal -Toronto section of the Grand Trunk Railway. -
The American Civil War Starts
The US starts to fight for their independence and Canada is worried that they are going to being the war up into Canada.
This causes Britian to send troops to Canada to protect their border. -
Great Coalition
The Great Coalition is when political parties, which in this case is Canda East and Canada west are put together to talk about the Act Of Union because is was untenable. -
The Charlottetwon Conference
The goverment went to Charlottetwon -
Quebec Conference
The Quebec Conference took place in Quebec City. The conference was about Lower Canada wanting to keep control over their language, religion, and civil laws. The conference ended two weeks later on October 27th. The result was that each province will have their own legislature. -
USA Ends Reciprocity Treaty
USA ended the Reciprocity Treaty with Canada because the US felt that only Canada was befiting from the Treaty. Also, because the US was mad ebcause Britian supported the southern part of USA during the civil war. -
Fenian Raids
The Fenian Raids is a battle between the Irish and the Provice Of Canada because Britian was taking over Irland and the point of the battle was to put stress/pressure on Britian therefore making them having to leave to go to Cnada to defend them. -
London Conference
The London Conference took plave in The United Kingdom. It was the last conference, before Canada became Canda. The outcome on the Lodon Conference was the making of a bill for confederation. -
The Queen Signs the BNA Act
Queen Victoria signed the British North America Act in London. -
Newfoundland And Labrador Rejects Confederation
Newfoundland and Labrodar reject confederation because the deal confederation offer wasn't a good deal for Newfoundland. -
Manitoba Joins Confederation
Manitoba joined confederation because they needed money and support from the government. -
British Columbia Joins Confederation
British Columbia joined confederation becuase they were scared of being tooken over by the USA, and their population was growing fast, lastly because they needed money for the government because of the sudden growth in their population. -
P.E.I. Joins Confederation
Prince Edward Island joined confederation because they needed to get out of money problems. -
John A. MacDonald Wins!
John A. MAcDonalnd wins the election and was Canada's very first Prime Minister.To this day, he is on our 10 dollar bills/ -
Railway Is Finished
The railway that connects all of Canada is finally finished.