Jhon Smith came to Virgina for one specific reason, to have a better life! -
New York
The Dutch were sailing to find land and they ran into New York they also thought it would a good place to put a trading. -
New Hampiser
New hampsire was acctually founded by Massachuetts settlers in 1629. -
New England Colonies
There are four new england colonies, Massachutes Bay founded by Jhon Winthrop, Rhode Island founded by Roger Williams, Connecticut founded by Thomas Hooker and New Hampshire founded by Captian Jhon Mason. -
The carolinas are actually two territories. Their is North Carolina and South Carolina. They were founded by The Lords Proprietors they were given the land by a good friend. -
William Penn disvovered Pennsylvania. He wanted all people to be able to practice their religous belifs. -
Treaty of Paris
The Teaty of Paris lead the French and Indain War. It was one of the mny things that lead up to he Revolutionary war. -
Georiga was founded by James Oglethorpe. James founded it because he had to pay off debts he hadback in england. -
Sugar act
During this tie period the molases jumped trough the roof on trades.It also rasied money other wise know as Revenue. -
Stamp Act
The stamp act was a big event in history. The government taxed all printed papers and nobody was happy! -
Declartory act
This act was the changing of the sugar act it solwly tured into the Declartory act. -
Declartory act
The declortory act was almost a copy of the declartory act of 1719 it was stating that taxes were real and they still are and you still have to pay them. -
Townshend act
The townshend act began in 1767. It taxed the colonists so they could rasie money. -
Boston Massacre
Paul Revere started the Boston Massacre. When you think of a massacre you probly think of a bunch of peple dieing but the Boston Massacre was a street fight. It only killed five people. -
Boston Tea Party
The first that that happened to cause it was taxes they taxed the tea to make money. The colonists did not like it they protested by dumping tea in the harbor, but they went in in dusigusie they dressed up as indians loaded the ships and dumpedd the crates into the harbor. -
Tea Act
The tea act was on December 17 1773. It taxed all the tea the colonist bought. -
Coercive acts
The coercive acts were more distruction because of the boston tea party. -
Olive Branch Petion
The olive branch peotion was wirten by a man named Jhon Dickson. It adpted the second continal congress. -
Declaration of Independence
The declaration of independence anoccend the 13 colonies at war. It was written by Thomas Jefferson -
The Swedish were the ones who founded Delaware. They created it because it was to big of a terriorie o they split it. -
Delaware was founded by the swedish. It had to be separted from its begining terrotorie, New Jersey. -
New Jersey
The leader of the Dutch gave land to friends who called it New Jersey. -
Conneticut was founded by Thomas Hooker because he anted Reliogous and political freedom. -
Massachuetts was founded by Jhon Wintrhop and William Bradford. They wanted religous freedom for both of there groups. -
Maryland was founded by the one the only Lord Baltimore! Lord Baltimore founded it because he wanted Catholics to practice their religous belife without being punished. -
Rhode Island
Roger Williams had the same reason as Thomas Hooker to move there. Religous and Political freedom.