Create Novel Project: The Hunger Games

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    The First Meeting

    The First Meeting
    The first time Peeta and Katniss interacted with each other was at the age of 11 when Peeta worked in his family's bakery. Katniss was starving and searching for food. Therefore, Peeta burned two pieces of bread, even though he knew his mother would beat him, so he could throw the burned pieces to Katniss.
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    The Reaping

    The Reaping
    The reaping is an annual happening before the games. Every year a female- and a male tribute, between the age of 12 to 18 years old, are chosen from each district. On the 74th Hunger Games Effie Trinket, the host from the Capitol, picked the names Primrose Everdeen and Peeta Mellark as tributes from the 12th district. When Primrose is picked, her older sister Katniss Everdeen screams that she will replace her little sister in the upcoming games.
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    The Train

    The Train
    The Capitol's high technological trains with a speed of 250 miles per hour are used to transport tributes fro the different districts to the Capitol. It was on this train Katniss and Peeta had their first conversation. Moreover, this was where Haymitch and Katniss started building their strange relationship.
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    The Tribute Parade

    The Tribute Parade
    The tribute parade, also known as the Chariot Rides, is when the tributes are presented to the Capitol's citizens. Before the tributes are allowed to enter the Training center, they are required to ride chariots throughout the Capitol in costumes, which reflects the district they come from.
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    The Training Scores

    The Training Scores
    The training scores are points given to each tribute after their private training session with the Gamemakers. These scores rank each tribute after their performance and then give the Capitol an idea of which tribute that has the best chance during the games, and therefore which tribute to sponsor. The scores are from 1 to 12, with 12 being the best. Katniss scored an 11 after a bold performance, which included her shooting an arrow directly at the Gamemakers. Peeta scored an 8.
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    The Interviews

    The Interviews
    The day before the games, each tribute has an interview with Caesar Flickerman. The tributes dress up in costumes that reflect their district impress the Capitol. The purpose of these interviews is for the tributes to get sponsors, which will help them later in the games. Both Katniss and Peeta did well on their interviews, with Peeta confessing his feelings for Katniss and Katniss with her dress made of fire.
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    Cornucopia Bloodbath

    Cornucopia Bloodbath
    The Cornucopia Bloodbath is an event at the beginning at every Hunger Games, where tributes compete for valuable equipment, such as weapons, water, food and packs of supplies. There are several tactics the tributes choose during this event, some run away as fast as they can and other runs towards the Cornucopia for supplies. Peeta chose the first tactic and ran into the woods. Katniss chose the second tactic so that she could get a bow, however, this almost gets her killed.
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    The Fire

    The Fire
    Once the Gamemakers decided to make the games more interesting and therefore they created a fire to chase Katniss closer to the other tributes, who were nearby the lake. The tributes at the lake were the Careers. Additionally to the fire, the Gamemakers started to launch fireballs at Katniss, which lead to a nasty burn on her calf.
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    The Tracker Jackers

    The Tracker Jackers
    Tracker Jackers are highly developed wasps, created by the Capitol. Their poison leads to hallucinations and death. The Careers chased Katniss up in a tree with a Tracker Jackers' nest. While they were waiting for her to come down, they fell asleep, whilst they were sleeping Katniss took her knife and cut down the branch containing the nest. Although she got stung her self, she managed to kill one and get rid of the remaining Careers.
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    The Allianse with Rue

    The Allianse with Rue
    The alliance between the two started already when Rue warned Katniss about the Tracker Jacker nest. Rue, who was a 12-year-old tribute from District 11, decided to trust Katniss after she saw the Mockingbird-pin Katniss wore. After Katniss was stunk by a Tracker Jacker she passed out. Suddenly, she woke up with healing leaves on her bites, later it appeared Rue had been taking care of her while she was unconscious, and an alliance started.
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    The Explosion

    The Explosion
    Rue and Katniss decided to destroy the Careers' food and supplies, therefore they came up with a plan. The plan involved Rue starting three fires at three different places in the arena to confuse and distract the Careers, whilst Katniss could destroy it. Katniss takes her bow shoots at a net containing apples. The apples fall to the grown and hit a mind burring as a trap around the camp, which leads to the whole camp exploding.
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    The Death of Rue

    The Death of Rue
    Rue died shortly after the explosion to destroy the Careers' camp. She got trapped in a net, where Katniss found her. She died of a spear through the abdomen, which was thrown by another tribute called Marvel, who was punished by Katniss with an arrow through the neck. Katniss honored Rue by laying beautiful white flowers on her body.
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    The Announcement

    The Announcement
    This was a very special announcement, which had never appeared before in the games' history. Claudius Templesmith announced a new rule regarding that if two tributes from the same district are the last ones, they will both be declared victors of the 74th Hunger Games.
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    The Reunion

    The Reunion
    After the announcement, Katniss located Peeta hiding in the mud by the river. He suffers from severe a cut on his leg made by Cato, a tribute from District 1, as well as, burns and Tracker Jackers stings. She cleans his wounds in the river, together with, putting leaves on the cut. Together they seek cover in a cave nearby the river.
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    The Berries

    The Berries
    Nightlock is a plant with highly poisonous berries. Katniss's father told her the berries kills the person consuming them before they reach their stomach. When Peeta is healthy from septicemia, they went looking for food. Peeta finds the berries and collects them, while Katniss is hunting. Fox Face, a tribute from District 5, stole and consumed the berries before Peeta ate them.
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    The Battle with Cato

    The Battle with Cato
    The three tributes were chased onto the Cornucopia by wolf-like mutations. Cato immediately holds Peeta in a headlock, taking away his ability to breathe. When Katniss raises her bow, Cato says if she shoots him he will bring Peeta down with him. Almost out of options, Peeta draws an X with blood on Cato's hand. Katniss shoots on the "x" which forces Cato to loosen his grip and then falls of the Cornucopia down to the wolf-like mutations.
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    The Poison Berries

    The Poison Berries
    After the role regarding that two tributes from the same district could win, Katniss and Peeta agree to eat the poisonous berries instead of killing each other. Before they consumed them, Claudius Templesmith, reversed the change, and both Peeta and Katniss were announced winners of the 74th Hunger Games.