Where it started
This pandemic started in Wuhan, China where it infected one human that than spread to another and another until it reached out of the city. -
How it came
Someone who came from Wuhan, China must have came with contact with someone infected with this virus to have contracted it. Then, the person came in contact to many other people and infected them possibly, without knowing that they are sick. This is how the virus spreads from one person to another quite rapidly. -
What did Canada do?
Because this virus spreads so quickly, Canada and many other countries had to act quick. Canada decided to close it's borders to anyone that wasn't a Canadian citizen. Those who were sick or showed symptoms were not allowed to enter. once you entered, you had to self-isolate for two weeks. if you show symptoms you have to contact help. -
Is it enough?
Closing the borders helped, just not enough. It was impossible for health workers to identify everybody that was infected. It was also impossible for heath workers to isolate everyone before they infect others. -
By the end of March and early April, there were about 9700 cases across Canada. Luckily, most of the cases where mild and treatable but there were some that weren't as lucky. -
Slowing the virus down
Public health officials told everyone to distantly stay away from other people. this way we can lower the chances of getting infected. We were also instructed to stay home as much as possible and only go out when necessary. -
Looking ahead
We can just hope that these measures will slow down if not stop the spread of this deadly virus. Heath Officials have warned us that numbers will continue to go up. But hopefully, we will start to see the numbers drop and things going back to normal.