
Covid-19 in Mexico

  • The first case of Covid-19 in Mexico

    The first case of Covid-19 in Mexico
    This day, the first case of coronavirus in our country was known in an inhabitant of Mexico City who was hospitalized in the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER) when presenting mild symptoms
  • First case in Sinaloa

    First case in Sinaloa
    The Government of Sinaloa through the Ministry of Health confirmed the positive diagnosis of a 41-year-old male person of COVID 19, in Culiacán, for which the containment, isolation and containment protocols have been established immediately. surveillance of the patient, while the results of a second test sent to the center of the country are known
  • First case in Coahuila

    First case in Coahuila
    The governor of Coahuila, Miguel Riquelme, reported on a confirmed case of COVID-19 coronavirus in Torreón. He indicated that it is a 20-year-old girl who is isolated in her house with indicated medications. Between January and February she traveled to Europe, she was in Milan, Italy
  • First case in Durango

    First case in Durango
    The Ministry of Health in Durango confirmed the first case of coronavirus in the entity. This is a 58-year-old man from Spain, who, after performing laboratory tests, tested positive for Covid-19
  • First case in San Luis potosi

    First case in San Luis potosi
    This afternoon, the State Laboratory of Public Health of the Ministry of Health confirmed the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in a sample taken from a 53-year-old female patient with a history of travel to Spain and England in the last two weeks of her stay outside of Mexico
  • First case in Yucatan

    First case in Yucatan
    The State Secretary of Health, Mauricio Sauri Vivas announced the first case of Covid-19 coronavirus in Yucatán. It is about a 57-year-old woman who was infected in Spain; the patient traveled to the European country and returned to Mexico without symptoms.
  • First case in Aguascalientes

    First case in Aguascalientes
    Dr. Miguel Ángel Piza, also Director of the Institute of Health Services of the State of Aguascalientes (ISSEA), made it known that the people who had contact with the carrier, who was already isolated, were subjected to the test.
  • First case in Sonora

    First case in Sonora
    The Secretary of Health pointed out that the first positive case of Covid-19 detected in an ISSSTE hospital, in the city of Hermosillo, which corresponds to phase 1, of an imported case, of a 72-year-old male. , who traveled to various states of the American Union.
  • First case in Chihuahua

    First case in Chihuahua
    Ciudad Juárez, Chih. The Secretary of Health of the state of Chihuahua confirmed this morning the first positive case of Covid-19 in the entity; He is a man from Casas Grandes, who lives in Ciudad Juárez. The person who tested positive for Covid-19 recently traveled to some European countries, including Italy, made a stopover in the United States and arrived in the state on March 12.
  • First case in Baja California

    First case in Baja California
    Two women aged 54 and 58, both residents of Mexicali, Baja California, with a history of travel to the state of Washington in the United States
  • First case in Tabasco

    First case in Tabasco
    The Ministry of Health confirmed this afternoon the first positive case of Covid-19. She is a 61-year-old citizen from Tabasco who traveled to several European countries and yesterday returned to Villahermosa, the state capital. At a press conference, the head of the agency, Silvia Roldán Fernández, announced that the patient is in good health, and that she is working on monitoring the people with whom she had contact
  • First case in Tamaulipas

    First case in Tamaulipas
    In the State Laboratory of Public Health in Tamaulipas and validated by the Institute for Epidemiological Diagnosis and Reference (INDRE) to a male patient, originally from Malaysia who works in a transnational company in the port of Tampico, the State Government confirms the first case of COVID-19 in Tamaulipas. The 55-year-old patient, originally from Malaysia, presents mild odynophagia (sore throat) and is in social isolation.
  • First case in Zacatecas

    First case in Zacatecas
    A doctor at the 57 clinic of the IMSS in the city of Zacatecas, is the first patient officially diagnosed with Covid-19, who is hospitalized in this same city, reported Governor Alejandro Tello Cristerna around midnight on Thursday, accompanied by Gilberto Breña Cantú, Secretary of Health in the entity
  • Suspension of classes

    Suspension of classes
    The suspension of presencial classes is made official due to its speed as it is delayed from
  • First case in Baja California sur

    First case in Baja California sur
    The first patient who was confirmed in Baja California Sur by COVID-19, received a medical discharge from the state health authority at the end of his period of 14 days of surveillance. This is a 48-year-old male of British nationality, whose laboratory analysis was positive for coronavirus. This person maintained home isolation in the municipality of Los Cabos, where he had medical follow-up by the epidemiology area
  • First case in Campeche

    First case in Campeche
    José Luis González Pinzón, reported last night that the first case of Covid-19 was registered in the entity; He is a 61-year-old man who lives in Ciudad del Carmen and was recently out of the country. The official said that the patient, who is originally from Veracruz, residing in Ciudad del Carmen, is in total home isolation, stable and without presenting severity other than the specific symptoms
  • Closure of recreational areas

    Closure of recreational areas
    The closure of cinemas, clubs, theaters, sports, churches, and museums in Mexico City is announced
  • Phase 2 begins in Mexico

    Phase 2 begins in Mexico
    The aturities formalize the entry of Mexico as phase 2 as
  • First case in Veracruz

    First case in Veracruz
    The first case registered by the state Health Secretariat occurred on March 27, date in which the port of Veracruz had 3 cases, Mexico City with 83 cases and at the national level, 717 cases of contagion were quantified supported by a test PCR.
  • First case in Nayarit

    First case in Nayarit
    This Friday night, Nayarit Health authorities confirmed the sixth positive case of Covid-19 in the entity; It is a 49-year-old woman. Regarding the patient, it is known that her health is stable and she is kept in quarantine together with her relatives, in addition to other people who were in contact with her are investigated, since it is known that she is a driver of the Uber mobility service in the town of San Jose del Valle
  • First case in Nuevo león

    First case in Nuevo león
    The state Health Secretariat reports the first local case of COVID-19, since the person was never in contact with diagnosed patients and who made trips to different parts of the world.
  • Declare a health emergency

    Declare a health emergency
    The authorities declare the country as a health emergency situation as of March 30, 2020
  • Plan back to normal

    Plan back to normal
    The plan to return to the new normal begins (stores and businesses open)
  • Reopening of essential activities

    Reopening of essential activities
    Reopening of essential activities begins on June 1, 2020
  • A wave of covid-19 is announced

    A wave of covid-19 is announced
    The Pan-American health organization of the WHO decrees an epidemiological alert due to the wave of covid-19 outbreaks
  • An increase in infections is announced

    An increase in infections is announced
    On November 2, the authorities detected an increase in infections in children due to the Day of the Dead, which began in October.
  • Mexico reaches one million people infected by covid-19

    Mexico reaches one million people infected by covid-19
    Despite having exceeded the one million barrier, the Ministry of Health has reported that this week there has been an 11% decrease in the number of cases estimated at the national level. The authorities ventured that this supposed decrease may be due to the introduction of new restrictive measures in some of the hot spots in the center and north of the country.
  • Period: to

    Wave and increase in hospitalizations

    At Christmas time (Christmas and New Year) a wave of outbreaks and an increase in hospitalizations were generated.
  • The largest number of cases was registered

    The largest number of cases was registered
    In January 2021, Mexico registered the highest number of incident cases, adding 22 thousand 339 cases