
By 2073652
  • Date and location of the first known case of COVID-19

    Wuhan, China
  • Date and location of the first known case in France

  • Date that China first began classifying COVID-19 as a contagion and a threat to spread

  • Date China begins communicating with the WHO about the new strain of pneumonia from an unknown origin.

  • Date China informs the U.S. of the new strain of pneumonia from an unknown origin

  • Date of the first known case in Italy

  • Date of the first deaths in Wuhan, China

  • Date of the first known case outside of Wuhan, China

    In Thailand
  • Date and location of the first known case in Japan

  • Date and location of the first known case in the and location of the first death from COVID-19 in the U.S.

    First case Washington
  • Date and location of the first known case in Taiwan

    Taipei city
  • Date and location of the first known case in Vietnam

  • Date and location of the first known case in Germany

    Near Munich Bavaria
  • Date and location of the first known case in Russia

  • Date and location of the first known case in the U.K.

  • Date and location of the first known case in Canada

  • Date and location of the first known case in the and location of the first death from COVID-19 in the U.S.

    First death Washington
  • Date and location of the first known case in Colorado

    Summit County
  • Date and location of the first death from COVID-19 in Colorado

    Colorado Springs
  • A map of the world showing the spread and intensity of the spread of COVID-19 as of approximately May 7, 2020 - some date between May 1st and May 7th

    A map of the world showing the spread and intensity of the spread of COVID-19 as of approximately May 7, 2020 - some date between May 1st and May 7th
    may 1st 2020 to may 7th 2020