Country Expert

  • Jan 1, 1326

    turkey is ruled by the ottoman empire

    turkey is ruled by the ottoman empire
    this is the start of the first capital city of the ottoman empire
  • treaty of karlowitz

    treaty of karlowitz
    this treaty marked the start of the dcline of the ottoman empire. it changed around it's territories.
  • mali is colonized

    mali is colonized
    Start of the French colonization of mali. it was known as french sudan
  • mali border changes

    mali border changes
    mali is merged with Sengel, Mauritania, Niger, and Burkina Faso, called Senegambie et Niger.
    mali has had its border moves many times and there have and are many disputes over where it is.
  • mali namechange

    mali was renamed Haut Senegal et Niger
  • new politics for turkey

    new politics for turkey
    turkey abolishes the sultanate and establishes a turkish parliment.
  • turkey is independant

    turkey is independant
    turkey is offically independant
  • turkey declares war

    turkey declares war
    turkey decalres war on germany. this also leads to turkey joining the UN.
  • turkey is in nato

    turkey is in nato
    turkey join the NATO organization
  • Mali Gains Independance

    Mali Gains Independance
    On this day mali officially gained its independance.
    the picture is of a mali independance day celebration
  • mali is democratic

    mali is democratic
    mali has its first president, Modibo Keïta, elected.
  • mali in the UN

    mali in the UN
    mali joins un
  • mali internalconflict

    mali internalconflict
    after 4 days of intense anti-government rioting, a group of 17 military officers, led by Amadou Toumani Touré, arrested President Traoré and suspended the constitution. it was a student-led anti-government riot, it was also supported by government workers and others.
  • political change

    mali transitions to a multi party democracy