Period: 1492 BCE to 1965 BCE
Free Enterprise
Jul 30, 1492
Spanish Inquisition/Expulsion of Jews from Spain (p. 58-65)
Oct 12, 1492
Auto da fé part of Spanish Inquisition (p. 184)
Period: Oct 12, 1492 to
Counter Histories of the Americas
Fort Mose Fugitive Slave Colony (p. 109)
Spanish race categories/Las Castas paintings (p. 7)
American Revolution (Age of Reason/Englightenment, p. 137)
Death of Captain James Cook (p. 45-58)
The Zong Massacre (p. 72-80)
French Revolution (Enlightenment/Age of Reason, p. 137)
Haitian Revolution led by Toussaint L'Ouverture 1791-1804 (p. 6, 52, 55, 147)
Gabriel Prosser-led slave revolt (p. 64)
Quasheba Folktales of Black Female Resistance (p. 126-131)
Daedalus Ship irreparably damaged in hurricane in Jamaica (p. 109
Minstrelsy popularized (Ethiopian Delineator, p. 152-154)
Denmark Vessey-led slave revolt (p. 64)
Nat Turner Rebellion (p. 64, 109)
Turner's painting of the Zong (p. 69-80)
Chatham Convention (page 16)
"their war of independence" (i.e. Harpers Ferry Raid) (p. 16, 69, 100, 105, 137, 143, 197)
November 2, 1859/"Right" day for Harpers Ferry Raid (p. 100, 196)
U.S. Civil War 1862-1865 (109,
Battle of Little Bighorn (p. 84-85, 104-105,
Radical Reconstruction ends (1865-1877)
La Terre de Lépreux opens in Carville, LA (p. 3, 35-65)
Augustus Saint-Gardens Sculptures of Civil War (p. 157-180)
Spanish American War (p. 38-43, 206-213)
U.S. on-again-off-again military occupation of Cuba 1898-1934
San Francisco Earthquake (p. 204)
U.S. Military Occupation of Nicaragua (1912-1933)
National Women's Party is Founded (Suffragettes, p. 22)
The Birth of a Nation screened at the White House with President Woodrow Wilson (p. 40-41)
U.S. Military Occupation of Haiti (1915-1934)
Opening of the Panama Canal
U.S. Military Occupation of Dominican Republic (1916-1924)
Lynching in the U.S. post-Reconstruction (1880s) to Civil Rights (1960s) (p. 31, 37, 99, 152),
Black Star Ship Lines/Marcus Garvey's Co. (p.14, 54)
Walter White publishes a book on "Judge Lynch" (p. 99)
Parker House Luxury Hotel in Boston opens in 1855 (p. 74-75)