James Lind
Dates lived: October 4, 1716- July 13, 1794
Area of contribution: Dietitian
How they contributed:
- experiment to prevent scurvy
-scurvy: vitamin C deficiency
-Theory: citrus fruit cure
-conducted first clinical trials
-antiscorbutic fights against scurvy
-sailors need good hygiene -
Ellen Richards
Dates Lived: December 3, 1842- March 30, 1911
Area of Contribution: Human Services
How they contributed:
-Founder of Home Economics
-Women's Laboratory for scientists
-Sanitary Engineering
-Chemistry to study nutrition -
James Cattell
Dates they lived: May 25, 1860- January 20, 1944
Area of contribution: Human Services
How they contributed:
-First professor of Psychology
-Advance understanding human nature -
Eli Witwer Weaver
-Dates Lived: August 5, 1862- November 1, 1922
-Area of Contribution: Counseling
-How they contributed:
-Father of school counseling
- vocational guidance in schools
-Guide children to employment
-Children have good start -
E.G. Williamson
Dates Lived: August 14, 1900- January 30, 1979
Area of contribution : Counseling
How they contributed:
The Father of Counseling
-Talent-matching approach
- individual traits/job factors -
Carl Pfeiffer
Dates lived: March 19, 1908- November 18, 1988
Area of Contribution: Human Services
How they Contributed:
-Physician/ Biochemist
- Researched Schizophrenia/allergies
-Trace element/mineral metabolism
-Histapenia, Histadelia, Pyroluria
-Classified 4 behavior disorders -
Dorris Calloway
Dates lived: February 14, 1923- August 31, 2001
Area of contribution: Dietician
How they contributed:
-Studies of Human Metabolism
-Public Health
-Concern: developing countries' malnutrition